The Not What I Expected

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The resume shook visibly in my hands, beads of sweat lining on my forehead from fear. I knew this interview was going to happen. I would eventually have to face the reality that as soon as I walked through that door it was a sure sign that I was going through with this plan.

I took a shaky breath steeling myself for the future before I stepped through the polished glass doors. My shoes squeaked on the marble floors as I walked forward trying to hide my nervous state. "Hi. I have an interview with Ms. 12893?" I said with surprising calm and ease.

The receptionist looked up. She had short blonde cropped hair and a set of glasses perched on her nose. Her eyes were a striking blue like fragments of shattered ice, staring with such intensity, it sent shivers down my spine. Her smile was contradicting however. She seemed warm and friendly. "Number please?"

"I'm 62319." I told her. She stared at the holographic computer. Computers were updated since the old model. Instead of having a holographic keyboard, the computer was worked through your mind. You simply thought what it wanted to do and it did it.

"Bracelet." she said. Outstretching my wrist, the CareBot began to speak. "62319 has been scanned to enter Omega Inc."

"You can go right on up." She pointed to the glass elevator. She will be in room 309 on floor 10." I thanked her and she turned her head back to the computer, her face now blank.
I walked towards the elevator, letting out a sigh of relief that my voice didn't falter. "Floor ten." I told the elevator. The doors slid closed.

The view of the city was spectacular. The skyscrapers rose above all else as if fighting to be the tallest. The cement was neatly paved just like the tracks where newborns were shipped in by train along with their mothers. The speriat screamers were on the other side of town in a dome shaped building so their screams couldn't torture me. The newborns were delivered to a square building where they would get CareBots and the mothers would teleport them home. People dotted the streets becoming smaller, the taller I went.

The elevator wasn't the only thing escalating but also my fear. I passed the first checkpoint. Now I had to nail the interview for a job and then make it out without raising any suspicions.
The doors slid open as I stepped into the massive hallway. "Room 309." I told the CareBot.

The hallway in front of me blurred as white overtook my vision nearly blinding me as I reappeared in what I guessed was Room 309. My vision was still pixelated, slowly loading until I saw her. Ms. 12893. She was facing the window so I couldn't see her face nor her expression.

Her hands were were in front of her. Her hair was jet-black and cropped like the receptionist. She wore red heels, red pencil skirt and a red overcoat. Her aura showed power even though I couldn't see her.

I cleared my throat catching her attention. She spun around, eyes wide and burning with a form of hatred, causing me to flinch. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." She didn't say anything, except scan me up and down. "I-I'm 62319? I'm here for the interview?"

She regained her composure, smoothing down her skirt and clasping her palms together in front of her. "Good morning. Please sit." She gestured towards one of the chairs as I sat. She sat across from me, leaning one elbow and the armrest, her hands still clasped. She was leaned sideways, her legs crossed as she narrowed her eyes at me as if searching for something.

There was silence. I tried not to focus on my fear which was most likely evident in my features and take the opportunity to study her face. She had vibrant green eyes, like emeralds which could be warm and inviting but also sharp and cold. She had a swoop bang to the right and her skin was pale. She had a beauty mark above her lip to the right.

"Your resume?" I handed it to her and she took it slowly outstretching her arm in a graceful movement. She read it over and looked at me again. "Why do you want to work here?" she asked. I thought for a moment. "I don't only want to work here. I'm destined to work here. I'm fascinated by this other species. I'd like to help study them and share my insight." Her eyes were still narrowed as she stared at me intently.
"What is your opinion on the Anoch and the humans?" I tilted my head to the side showing my confusion. "What do you mean by that?"
"What is your perspective on what happens next with the Anoch and humans? Do you think we should mix? Should we just tear down the wall and let them through?" I had the distinct feeling that she wasn't asking for my opinion. She was asking for an answer. And if I didn't give the right one I was going to fail this interview.

"I personally think that it wouldn't be that much of a problem if the Anoch joined our species. The humans have been isolated for far too long and haven't been able to experience contact with anything else. They know the Anoch are here and I believe they are desperate to meet them. However, I do think before we let this species rampage through our city streets that we have worked so hard to protect, we should take precautionary measures. We should study them and make sure that they show no harm towards humans whatsoever."

I was lying through my teeth. The Anoch may be different but they still breathe our air and deserve freedom. They shouldn't feel like they are unwelcome. But if that's what 12893 wants then that's what she was going get for me to get the job. "I'm going to entrust you with something very precious to me. Something that no one has ever heard before. And you will do the same in response." I gulp. "What if I am not ready to share whatever it is you're sharing with me?"

Ms. 12893 gives me a hard look. Her glare sent shivers down my spine. "I think it is only fair. I sense something in you 62319. Something different from all the other interns that have applied here. No one has gotten the job. We have the same staff we had since the wall was built. But you... well, I see a great future for you here." She was lying. I try not to be affected by her words. I desperately flung myself deep within self control, trying not to cringe.  Not because I had no idea what she was possibly going to tell me that I would have to tell her in return. Not because this was being pressured. Not because she was glaring at me while I was in my train of thought and not because this plan could backfire in any given moment and all of this would be for nothing. I was scared because this is the one chance I have at getting close to the Anoch and I'm not ready to give it up. And whether I have no idea what I'm going to say to her, my voice has other ideas.

"I'll do it. What are you telling me?" I say with newfound determination building up inside of me as the seconds tick. "My name." And with that, I could've sworn my heart stopped.

For those of you who don't get it, the characters have all been given numbers so they can't show their real names. If someone is telling you there actual name, it's technically law breaking and formal sign of absolute trust. Now for 12893, she met this person ten minutes ago so this is a pretty big deal. Please stick around for next chapter! I promise that the numbers won't last for too long. Some of you may be confused but soon they will start calling each other by their names and not numbers. *gasps* I've said too much! LOL. Anyways, tell me what you guys think and I'll see you next chapter!

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