A Different Kind of Rush

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We stood there in the silence trying to process what just happened. I had discovered a new emotion. But did it always feel this scary at the start? The calm aura around us was broken by the sudden alarm from the...alarm clock. I sharply inhaled as if I hadn't been breathing. "What time is it?" I ask. He steps back leaving me cold and empty. "It's uh, around four in the morning." I felt as if someone electrocuted me. I tore out of the bedroom and down the stairs, slinging my bag over my shoulder. What am I missing? What am I missing?

Ryker appeared at the stairway a few seconds later. "What's the rush?" I probably looked insane patting the coffee table as if that would help me find...whatever it is I'm trying to find. Did I leave something? An invention. I dropped the bag back down on the couch and ripped it open pulling out each item. "CareBot, emergency escape pod, cube, book," I muttered. "I have to go to work in three hours!" I exclaimed. I had never felt this kind of adrenaline. It wasn't the fear of being chased or the fear of being...kissed. It was the fear of being late.

"Where's my earpiece?" I screamed frantically. Ivana was going to kill me when I got there. And what would I tell Christina and Diamond? I didn't want to go back to forcing answers I already knew out of the Anoch. And even if I did tell them what I knew, I would have to tell them where I got all the information. I'm being a selfish human again. Why am I rambling in my head again? Earpiece!

"It's in your ear, Rose." Ryker says warily as if afraid I was going to explode. "What time is it now?" I headed straight for the door. "It's 4:03." I was almost positive I knew the way back now. But how would I get past the wall? "Want me to take you?" I shake my head, avoiding eye contact. "No, I-I'm fine. I know the way back now." I say quickly. The door swung open. "Rose." his voice calls. I freeze midstep hating his new control over me.

Was it because I just discovered love? The emotion was so powerful and experiencing it for the first time means I'm unwary. I don't know what to expect or how to act or feel. And because of it, love controls my body. And it belongs to certain dark haired boy. "Are you just going to act like that didn't happen?" disbelief makes his voice seem louder, harsher. My eyes meet his. There is a thin film of anger resting over his eyes, but under it I see loss and confusion. Does everyone else see what I see? Or is it just me who can see all of his layers?

Maybe Teresa sees it, being his mother. Or Hayden, Caiden, or anyone else who knows him. I've never seen anything like it in Caitlin. I can't remember my mother so I can't say I've had that experience with her.  As if on cue, a light haired boy came down the stairs, yawning. "Ryker?" Caiden asks, rubbing his eyes. He turns and sees me in the doorway. "What is she still doing here?" Unlike last time, he wasn't screaming. Either he was too tired to yell or he didn't want to cause a scene. "I'm sorry." I look between Ryker and Caiden and then I turn around and leave.


The sky was still dark, the stars seemed brighter than before. The branches bristled in the wind soothing me. Locks of my hair flew off my shoulders leaving them cold and bare. My work clothes were already on. The CareNot was still at home. Teleporting seemed risky now. The streets were almost bare with the shadows of Anoch appearing here and there. I press the earpiece. "24351, are the guards down?" I whisper. But even then, I feel loud.

"The guards go on break in fifteen minutes." Great. "I should be there in twenty. I have to speedwalk." I could almost visualize Caitlin sitting in her room with her brows creased in confusion. "Oh right because you have to walk. Why don't you just teleport?" I scan the area again. The bare land was separated by a smaller pile of rocks, hastily put together. Everyone knew to steer clear. I was still a few yards away from it, a few Anoch around. "There are still more of them. I'll let you know when the coast is clear." I hear her sigh from the other line which sounded more like static with the earpiece. "Okay, then you can teleport right?" I didn't know if it would work so close to the wall.

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