Ryker's Rescue

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That was the first thing I thought of when I thought of Rose's shift from human to Anoch. IDK why. I barely watched the movies. I just remember seeing the last one and I was like "damn what a change." Anyways, this first half of this chapter sux, the other half may or may not be good. IDK that's really up to you guys. I personally am proud of the story as a whole but when I look into the chapters, I cringe. That happens to you guys too, right? Anyways, on with the story!

I remember running when I was chased by hover trucks. I remember how my blood roared and my heart pounded in my ears. I remember how strong that fear was as the hover truck tailed me. I remember willing myself to go faster. I remember how fast I was moving. That was nothing compared to now. I still had that fear running through me.

But it wasn't because I was being chased. It was the fear of not reaching Ryker in time. It was the fear of me seeing him dead on the floor. I pushed the image out of my mind. Running was a completely different experience. When I was running for the first time, I was running for my life. I could still see the outlines of the buildings, the doors, the windows, the streets. But now everything was blurred. I wasn't running at all. Everything moved slowly but they were still just streaks of a faded red or blue in my peripherals.

What was once an hour walk to the wall was a two minute run. Was it really only 120 seconds? Slowing down proved to be difficult as I dug my heels into the ground and landed face first in the grass. At least it wasn't concrete, I thought. I couldn't run this fast on the other side of the wall.

Someone would notice. I couldn't teleport either unless I wanted someone to see a removed CareBot on a very much alive Anoch. I willed my eyes to stay dark as they always were. Could I really control that? I wasn't sure. The CareNot was clasped around my wrist and despite my newfound strength, the fake machine felt heavier than usual. How would I make it inside Omega Inc. Everything was glass. With the security and the cameras someone would see the burns on my skin.

Another reason they decided to use glass. To distinguish the Anoch from the humans. Maybe I could ask Caitlin to make something that would prevent me from burning my skin. She couldn't possibly know I knew about her engagement to Hayden. I pulled the door open stepped on the human side. Instantly, the difference of grass on concrete made me wrinkle my nose in discomfort. I was already uncomfortable enough in my new skin.

Which side did I belong on then? Was I still human or a full fledged Anoch? I would never be truly Anoch or human. I would have to learn to accept that soon rather than later. The crater was still very noticeable and I smiled smugly at the memory. Ivana wouldn't know what was coming.


The Speriat House was a large metal cube that had two rings of security on the outside and who knows how much on the inside. I stood as far from the guards as possible so they wouldn't see me. The truck that was supposed to bring Ryker hadn't arrived yet and I was anxiously tapping my foot against the floor watching the road.

Teresa gave me a change of clothes before I left. Black sweatpants and a black sweatshirt that hung loosely on me. I couldn't stop twisting the ends of the shirt between my fingers inhaling the faint scent of the kitchen. Anoch did not have an increased sense of smell, yet it felt like I'd stepped into an entirely different world. I'd become almost unaware of the gold ring on my finger as it fit so snugly.

Looking back at the city, I remembered all the things I loved. I loved my fake mother for the short time I knew her. Caitlin was my best friend until I realized I was a pawn in her game. I love Ryker. Despite all that he's done, I still love him. I couldn't tell if that was a human quality or an Anoch quality.

The airy sound of a hover truck in the distance snapped me out of my reverie. My eyes flashed uncontrollably and I struggled to change them back to a dark brown. I snapped the CareNot off my wrist with half a thought and left it abandoned on the ground. I wouldn't need it. The hover truck was a mile and a half away from me and less than a mile from the Speriat House. It was beginning to slow down and I stilled watching carefully as it stopped completely.

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