China's Worst Day

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The worst day (two months) of China's life

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The worst day (two months) of China's life. He wasn't assaulted, he's naked for other purposes. I won't be providing the full context yet, but since this is referencing a real event, no silly story today. Only a mention that Americans, Israelis, Japanese nationalists and other anti-China types always seem far too enthused about the prospect of bombing the Three Gorges Dam, which would literally kill millions of people. Someone was like 'mostly soldiers!' and it's like okay! Soldiers are people, too! I know you don't see foreigners as people and consider them disposable pawns, but they are definitely people! And they would be defending their own country in that case, not invading someone else's! But also the number of cities I've seen said would be destroyed is sixty-six (I don't know if that's accurate, but it would definitely destroy plenty), and I don't think there is a single city in China that you could demolish where mostly soldiers would be murdered. There is no major Chinese city with a population under one million. Not to mention all the towns and villages and farmland, and the fact that Shanghai is downstream of it. Which is why I don't think you would be making it to the Three Gorges Dam to bomb it in the first place. It's also incredibly 'Eh?' when a Nationalist says Japan could do it, or an American says Japan or Taiwan could do it. For an American it's more understandable because they view the countries they own as pawns and the people in them as disposable, but for Nationalist types in Japan and Taiwan, you do realize that if we did that (besides it being an act of mass murder), we would not be surviving the aftermath? No thank you! I have no desire to be wiped off the face of the map in retaliation! And this is not the sort of situation where a suicide attack would be admirable. Though I do think China would probably stick to striking more strategic targets instead of wholesale destruction, like Lebanon and Iran did to Israel, we are still a small archipelago (and so is Taiwan). Not much to strike. It's always 'hate the government not the people,' (the government that the people brought about and the majority support) but then freaks start fantasizing about wiping out Chinese, North Korean, or Russian civilians 'for the greater good,' and can't disguise the fact that they're drooling. *I* don't even fantasize about wiping out Americans, so I think you can keep it in your pants over the prospect of killing people that haven't done anything to you.

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