Chapter 3 - Fateful Encounter

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1 And it came to pass, upon a day, that the sole aide in the coffee house of Calem did resign, leaving him without a soul to tend the toils of his humble dwelling.

2 And Calem mused within his heart, "I shall employ a new hand to serve in that stead, that mine endeavors be not hindered."

3 Thus, he did post a proclamation, that whosoever was inclined and capable might seek the post of a servant within his house of tea and brew.

4 Yet, desiring not to be burdened with the interviewing of those who presented, he spake unto his mother, saying, "Thou art ever a boon unto me; I entrust this matter unto thee. Choose thou a barmaid for me, as thou deemest fitting."

5 And his mother, pleased to assist her son, did as he bade, assuming the charge of hiring the servant.

6 And in the realm dwelt a maiden, fair in visage and pleasing in form, named Serena, who, hearing of the offer, did come forth seeking the position.

7 And Calem's mother, perceiving that Serena was a diligent and gracious maid, did hire her and placed her in the service of her son.

8 Now it came to pass, on the day of her orientation, that Serena was led unto Calem, that he might instruct her in the duties of her new station.

9 As they stood together, elucidating the labors of the house, her eyes did fix intently upon him.

10 Yea, her gaze was steadfast upon him, accompanied by a smile, both in her eyes and upon her lips.

11 Yet Calem, discerning the maiden's look, did dismiss it within his heart, saying, "It is naught but the joy of one who hath found a place of toil; I shall not lend it heed."

12 And he reasoned thus, "Better it be that I take not unto myself any assumption, lest I deceive mine own heart."

13 Yet Serena, undaunted, did continue to regard him with favor, though she uttered not a word of her thoughts.

14 And lo, Calem, a man of great wisdom, did restrain his heart from the snare of idle fancies, and set his mind upon the toil set before him.

15 And days did flow as a river, and Serena, with steadfast spirit, executed her tasks in the house of Calem. 16. Yet, oft did her gaze return to him; her smile remained unyielding.

17 Calem, perceiving this, averted his gaze, for he wished not to stray into folly.

18 "She is but a servant in mine abode," quoth he within his breast, "and I her lord; let not my heart be vexed by fleeting looks."

19 Yet in her heart, Serena did contemplate the nature of Calem, pondering, "What sort of man is this, who turns not his gaze upon me, though I offer him my smile?"

20 And she found favor in his eyes, for he was a man of quiet strength, who spoke little, yet did act justly.

21 It came to pass, on a day when the household's labor was done, that Serena tarried, yearning for a word from Calem.

22 But Calem, ever mindful of his duties, departed swift, and left her standing alone.

23 And she was sorely troubled, for she understood not why he spied her affection not.

24 In her heart, she mused, "Perchance I am but a lowly servant in his sight, and he regardeth me as naught else."

25 Yet Calem, in his heart, regarded her not thus, for his mind lingered upon other affairs, and he discerned not her intent.

26 And the Lord did gaze upon them both, knowing the thoughts and desires of their hearts.

27 For Calem, still mired in sorrow from past rejections, did guard his heart with great caution.

28 And Serena, still filled with hope, sought ways to make herself known unto him, yet with modesty and silence.

29 Thus the days turned to weeks, and still did Serena serve faithfully in Calem's coffee house, while he busied himself in his endeavors.

30 Yet the Lord, sovereign o'er all hearts, did decree a fateful encounter betwixt them.

31 For Calem, though oblivious, was being wrought for a season of healing, and Serena, though unknowing, was destined to be a vessel of grace unto him.

32 Yet within her breast, she did entreat unto the Lord, saying, "O Lord, if it be thy will, bestow upon me favor in his sight, that I might console him in his hour of need."

33 And the Lord did heed her supplication, though Calem perceived it not.

34 And in the days henceforth, the Lord began to soften the heart of Calem, that he might behold Serena in a newfound radiance.

35 And his heart did begin to turn toward her, albeit with great caution, for he recollected the anguish of yore.

36 And on a fated day, as they toiled together, Calem did speak kindly unto Serena, saying, "Well hast thou served, and for thy presence in mine coffee house, I am most grateful."

37 And Serena, hearing his words, was filled with joy within her heart, for long had she yearned for such favor from him.

38 And she answered, "'Tis a great honor to serve thee, for thou art a man of good report, and thy ways are righteous."

39 And Calem, discerning the sincerity of her speech, smiled upon her, and peace did dwell between them.

40 Yet still, Calem did guard his heart, for he knew not the path the Lord would have him tread.

41 But the Lord, in His boundless wisdom, did weave their fates together, though they fathomed it not.

42 And in the days that did follow, many more occasions arose where Calem and Serena labored side by side.

43 And as the sands of time didst wane, their bond didst flourish, yet it became a bond of reverence and benevolence, and neither didst hasten into any folly of affection.

44 For Calem had grasped the worth of patience, and Serena, in her meekness, didst bide her time before the Lord.

45 Calem, in the depths of his heart, knew the Lord had bestowed her presence unto him for a grand design, albeit he perceived it not fully.

46 And the Lord, who beholdeth all, smiled upon them, for He discerned the plans He had wrought for them, plans of tranquility and not of ill, to grant them hope and a future.

47 And Calem, though his heart remained fortified, began to behold Serena in a novel light, not as a mere handmaiden, but as a lady of grace and compassion.

48 And Serena, though she didst keep her silence, knew that the Lord was at work in their midst.

49 And it came to pass, that as the days didst unfold, the bond between them waxed stronger, and the Lord was with them.

50 For the Lord had ordained their encounter, and He didst guide their steps, though they comprehended it not.

51 And on a fateful day, as the sun sank low and the toil of the day was complete, Calem didst sit with Serena, and they didst discourse of many matters.

52 And Calem, for the first time, didst unburden his heart unto her, the pangs of his yesteryears, and the dreams that yet lingered within his soul.


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