Chapter 8 - Unveiling the Veil

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1 It came to pass, upon a day as any other, in their leisure's embrace, that Serena spake unto Calem, saying,

2 "I have ever dreamt of becoming a teacher of worthy renown."

3 Calem did inquire of her, "And thereafter?"

4 She replied, "Hehe... On a fleeting occasion, I was summoned to be the substitute teacher of the school, and lo, it was naught but chaos."

5 She continued, "In that moment, I discerned within mine own spirit that I was unfit for such a charge, for mine ire doth often sway."

6 Calem did laugh, proclaiming, "Yea, children can be exceedingly vexatious—if not most oft. Haha."

7 Serena added further, "I have also harbored dreams of becoming a lady of commerce, one most stylish and refined."

8 She spake, "I envision myself clad in fine raiments, bearing a handbag of high design, with tresses ever immaculate, a social butterfly of high esteem."

9 Calem inquired, "How proceedeth thou?"

10 She sighed and uttered, "Yet hast I found no fortune to seize. So here I abide at present."

11 Calem, in contemplation, spake not a word.

12 Then Serena spake afresh, saying, "Misunderstand me not, for I have also dreamt of owning a coffee house, to be a barista of cool mien. Hahaha!"

13 Calem, with a smirk, did inquire, "A list of desires, verily?"

14 "Yea," quoth she, with mirth, "Hehehe. And what of thee?"

15 Calem replied unto her, "This existence I now lead hath ever been mine aspiration, a life unhurried in its tempo."

16 He spake, "A life wherein I delight in each fleeting moment, granting heed unto the trifles, where time serveth for crafts, repose, and the tending of one's spirit."

17 He continued, "It is not indolence nor lassitude, but rather, the quest for profound experiences."

18 On another morrow, whilst Calem and Serena journeyed in his car, for he bore her unto her abode,

19 Calem turned unto her and spake, "Hast thou ever known a suitor?"

20 Serena's cheeks did redden, and she replied, "Hehehe... Nay, no man hath claimed me from my birth unto this hour."

21 "Why so?" Calem questioned her.

22 She answered, "Though many hath sought mine affection, I feel naught for them save camaraderie."

23 She added, "I find love a treacherous endeavor, for I do not easily succumb; neither do I foster infatuations oft."

24 She spake, "Yea, I did possess one, yet it took me three long years to relinquish it."

25 She sighed and uttered, "Though 'tis hard for mine heart to fall in love, 'tis likewise hard to fall from it."

26. Calem, in concord, spake, "So 'tis with me as well."

27 When they did arrive at fair Serena's abode, Calem did park the car.

28 Serena, with a smile, said to him, "I thank thee."

29 "Fare thee well," quoth she, waving her hand. 30. And Calem replied, "Yea, until the morrow comes."

31 As Calem beheld her making her way to her door, lo, she turned back and returned to his car.

32 She tapped upon the window, and Calem did roll it down.

33 Serena queried, "Pray, tell me, hast thou a fair maiden? Art thou betwixt hearts with another?"

34 Calem's heart did tremble within him, and he answered, "Nay."

35 He spake with much trepidation, and his ears did burn, for a crimson hue adorned his visage.

36 Serena, with mirth upon her lips, declared, "Verily! Hehehe... Adieu!"

37 She did haste away into her dwelling.

38 Calem, forsaken in the carr, did sit, his heart a tempest within.

39 For the words which she uttered, and the fleeting semblance they shared, became a memory inscribed upon his heart.

40 From that day hence, Calem could not cast off the feeling thus awakened.

41 He oft pondered the discourse exchanged, and the utterances of Serena did linger in his mind.

42 Calem's heart did ache with an unvoiced yearning, for he grasped not what fate would yield.

43 Yet, in his stillness, he did pray within, seeking wisdom from the Lord concerning this plight.

44 Thus, the days did wend on, and the bond 'twixt them waxed, though unuttered feelings endured.

45 Calem did await with patience, placing his trust in the Lord's time for all things to be unveiled.


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