Chapter 6 - At Toil

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1 It came to pass, when the market brimmed full, with patrons exchanging words among themselves,

2 That Calem and Serena did labour in unison behind the counter, fashioning their commissions.

3 As they toiled, they did lift up hymns soft, their voices ascendant unto the Almighty, yet drowned by the multitude.

4 For this was their custom, to chant together whilst they wrought, especially when the market was thronged.

5 In the midst of their toil, their hearts were light, and the hymns of mirth did flow from their lips.

6 They spake softly one to another in the tranquility of the hour, exulting in the works of their hands.

7 When the day was still, and the throng did depart, they would discourse on the matters of this realm;

8 Of jesters, and flickering tales, and diversions of board and arcade, which were the pleasures of their respite.

9 They found delight in one another's company, for they were as brethren, and their toil was sweet.

10 Day by day did pass, and their labour became as a joy, even as they did earn their keep.

11 For they had become a pair well-suited, a valiant twain, whose fellowship did flourish in the midst of labor.

12 Yet Calem, albeit he did delight in the company of Serena, did keep his heart shrouded.

13 When the toil of the day was ended, and the night did descend, he did withdraw, answering not her missives.

14 For he spake unto himself, "It is good to find joy in the labors of our hands, yet I must not draw too nigh."

15 He did muse upon her kindness, yet harbored doubt within his breast, saying, "Is this not the wont of women, to be gracious unto all?"

16 He trembled at the thought of his heart being stirred, though her words did linger in his mind, and her smile did abide with him after the day's end.

17 "If I should respond to her," thought he, "my heart shall be stirred, and my peace shall take flight."

18 When he did ruminate upon her greeting, his heart did quicken, and his visage was lightened.

19 "Yet, 'tis naught but friendliness," quoth he, "for she doth greet all in like fashion, and I am not singular."

20 Thus did he maintain his distance, lest his heart stray, and he be ensnared by the net of attachment.

21 But as the days did pass, he could not wholly cast aside her kindness, nor her words, which did echo in his thoughts.

22 He did wrestle within, striving to guard his heart from wandering, and his thoughts from lingering upon her.

23 For he didst know the anguish of a heart ensnared, and quailed at the sorrow that might descend.

24 Yet the joy of their toil together was sweet, and within the hours of labor, he found solace.

25 But when the night did descend, and the stillness of his hearth did envelop him, he was troubled.

26 For his heart did yearn for the companionship of which he had partaken, yet his mind held tightly to prudence.

27 Thus did Calem muse within, saying, "I shall not yield to fleeting joys."

28 "For if I permit my heart to be ensnared, then shall I be cast low, and my peace shall be wrested from me."

29 Yet could he not wholly silence the musings that swelled within, for Serena's grace was as a sweet perfume.

30 He did recall her smile, and the manner in which she spake unto him, and he did ponder the meaning of her utterance.

31 "But I must remain steadfast," quoth he, "and keep my heart shielded, for love is a snare to the unwary."

32 "And though she be gracious, yet doth she not extend such grace unto others?"

33 "It is but her nature, and I am no more than any other in her sight."

34 So Calem didst hold his peace, and spake not unto her when the work was wrought, retreating unto the solitude of his own musings.

35 Thus did the days wend, as Calem and Serena labored in accord, yet each cloistered in their own thoughts.

36 But the Lord, who discerneth the hearts of mortals, beheld the musings of Calem, and the longings of his soul.

37 Albeit Calem did raise his walls high, the Lord's hand rested upon him, directing him upon his path.

38 For the Lord is nigh unto them of a contrite heart, and rescueth such as possess a humble spirit.

39 In the fullness of time, the Lord's design shall be unveiled, and Calem shall perceive the way wherein he ought to tread.

40 For the steps of a righteous man are ordained of the Lord, and He taketh delight in his course.


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