Chapter 4 - Awkward Beginnings

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1 And it befell in those days when Calem withdrew unto himself, that Serena did draw nigh unto him in her hours of leisure.

2 For whithersoever Calem didst roam, there too was Serena, trailing him as the shadow doth cling to the light.

3 And Calem, a man succinct in speech, did engage himself in his labors, content in his solitude, and sought not the company of others.

4 Yet Serena, of a merry visage, did oft engage Calem in trifling discourse.

5 Yea, she spake jests and light sayings, striving to elicit from him a smile.

6 And when she was absent from his side, behold, she sang with mirth to the music that did waft through the air of the café.

7 Calem, upon hearing her voice, lifted his gaze from his toil and beheld her, yet spake he not.

8 And when he did utter words, they were scarce, for he would not speak more than was meet, lest he unveil that which he wouldst not.

9 Their dialogue was circumscribed, and they spake solely of their labors, of learning, and matters pertaining to knowledge.

10 They spake of films and melodies, and even of those things termed memes, yet of their hearts and lives they said naught.

11 For Calem did guard his heart, and Serena pressed him not, though her joy ever danced upon her lips.

12 And when Calem beheld her sing, he did pause, and his heart was stirred within, though his visage gave no hint thereof.

13 And it came to pass, that Serena would oft inquire of Calem, "Hast thou heard this tune?" and she did hum its melody with glee.

14 Calem would nod and smile but faintly, yet he joined not in the song.

15 And Serena, perceiving his mien, did jest with him, declaring, "Verily thou art the most silent man in all the land."

16 And Calem, with a whisper of mirth, would reply, "I utter but when need doth arise."

17 And so their days were thus consumed, Serena with her melodies and her mirth, and Calem with his quietude and his toil.

18 But lo, an unvoiced bond lay betwixt them, albeit their words were scant.

19 For Serena did bring forth light into the café by her very being, and Calem, though he spake not, found himself drawn to her joy.

20 In the hush of the café, as the hours did wane, Serena would hum her strains, and Calem would gaze upon her and smile within.

21 Yet he cloaked his musings, sharing them with no soul, for he feared their revelation.

22 And Serena, discerning that Calem was a sentinel of his heart, pressed him not to speak of deeper matters.

23 For she grasped that there exist matters of the spirit not easily divulged.

24 Thus, though her heart longed to delve more into his essence, she was content to walk at his side in tranquil silence.

25 And it came to pass that one day Serena did address Calem, saying, "What dost thou deem of the music that doth resound in this abode?"

26 Calem, not lifting his gaze from his labor, replied, "It is pleasing to mine ear."

27 Serena smiled, uttering, "Verily, thou art a man of few utterances, yet thy silence speaketh volumes."

28 Calem, though he replied not, felt the warmth of her words nestling in his heart.

29 Yet still did he preserve his silence, for he knew not how to respond to her grace.

30 And thus, the days flitted past, with Serena remaining in her merry ways, whilst Calem, though awkward in discourse, beginneth to find solace in her presence.

31 For though their discourses were brief, a sense of understanding didst dwell betwixt them.

32 And in the quiet hours, when the labors of the café were o'er, Serena oft would sit nigh Calem and discourse of trifles.

33 Though their utterances touched not upon personal matters, they were companions in their shared sanctuary.

34 Serena, with her mirth, did oft shatter the silence, for she wouldst not have it so solemn always.

35 Calem, though sparing in his speech, did heed her words, and his heart was softened, though it showed not.

36 And it came to pass that Calem did once inquire of Serena, "From whence doth thy joy arise?"

37 Serena, with a twinkle in her eye, replied, "It cometh from the little things, even the music, the jests, and the moments we partage."

38 Calem, musing upon her words, spake no more, for he was not wont to discourse of such matters.

39 And yet, in his heart, he knew there lay more to her joy than she revealed.

40 He marveled at how she could bring light to the darkest of days with but a word or a melody.


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