Chapter 9 - Meteor Falls

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1 It came to pass in the days of Calem, that he drew nigh unto Serena, and they became as two spirits entwined, dwelling together in all things.

2 At their toil, since that hour, they drew ever nearer, and their bond was fortified, yea, almost unseverable they became.

3 Whithersoever she did wander, his gaze pursued her, and in every path he trod, her eyes did follow him likewise.

4 For they could not be sundered, neither in heart nor in mind, for their days together were as sweet as honey from the hive.

5 Though their hours were filled with common tasks, even the simplest amongst them was as a blessing, and joy did abound in their midst.

6 In the morn they did sing merry songs, and in the eve they did play games, and they did jest and make mirth in the store, as was their custom.

7 Yet in the stillness of the night, their discourse turned to weightier matters, and they spake of dreams and futures, and of those vexations which dost trouble the heart.

8 These words, though uttered lightly, bore a significance profound, and their hearts did glow with warmth that neither could gainsay.

9 Even on the days of rest, they were never apart; for on the Sabbath morn, they ventured to the market together, to procure the needs of the shop.

10 In the afternoon, they toiled side by side, their hands engaged in the labor of the day, yet their hearts were ever united.

11 When the Lord's Day did arrive, they journeyed together upon the path, seeking solace for their souls.

12 They roamed in the garden, and shared food, and their laughter did echo throughout the fields, for their joy was bounteous.

13 Yet Calem, within his heart, did wrestle, for he did suppress the stirrings that awoke within him.

14 He would not confess that he hath fallen in love, though his heart whispered the truth he wished not to hear.

15 When his kin did behold it, they did tease him, saying, "Thou art smitten, surely this is love."

16 But Calem answered them, saying, "We are but friends, nay, naught more than companions in life's odyssey."

17 Yet in the stillness of his mind, he mused, "She doth show grace, yet only as a friend. If she were to sense my heart given unto her, would she take her leave?"

18 Lo, one eve as they traveled together, Calem brought her to her abode as oft before.

19 But on this night, Serena did speak, and spake unto him, "There is a man, a friend from yore, who doth seek my hand."

20 "He was a schoolmate in the days of my youth, and even then he pursued me, bringing gifts and tokens of his affection."

21 "Yet in those days, mine heart did not incline toward him, for I felt not that which becometh love."

22 Calem remained silent, yet in his heart he pondered, "Yea, this is the end of the bond we shared; truly, we were naught but friends."

23 Then Calem spake, saying unto her, "If he be good and kind, why not grant him a chance? Peradventure he is the one destined for thee."

24 But Serena answered him, saying, "Nay, mine heart is not drawn to him, for I believe he is not meant for me."

25 "If he were my soulmate, surely my spirit would testify unto me, and I would know it deep within."

26 Calem's heart was troubled within him, for he thought, "If another were to claim her love, could I bear it? Could I behold as she walked with another?"

27 Then did Calem, emboldened, draw the car to the wayside, and did loosen his girdle.

28 He did lean towards Serena, and pressed his lips upon hers, whereat the truth of his heart was laid bare.

29 Serena, startled, did return the kiss, and they beheld each other with wonderment. 30. Then spake Serena, saying unto him, "What manner of deed hast thou performed?"

31 Calem replied, "I know not, save that I fear I shall mourn all my days should I allow thee to depart from my side."

32 Then kissed he her once more, and by that kiss was their bond sealed.

33 Together did they repose in the still of night, neither voicing a word, for the gravity of their shared moment weighed heavily upon their souls.

34 Thus did their hearts intertwine, though neither had sought such union in the dawn.

35 For love had taken root where friendship did burgeon, growing now as a tree beside the waters.

36 Calem, who forsooth had long denied the verity, could resist no more, for he had plummeted, yea, deeply in love.

37 Serena, though she spake it not, did feel likewise, for their hearts were as one.

38 Yet they knew not what the morrow might usher, and feared to whisper of what might come.

39 For the road ahead was shrouded in uncertainty, and they trod upon it with trembling feet.

40 Yet love, once ignited, becometh a flame unquenchable, and though they knew it not, they were bound thereby.

41 The days did wane, and their love did flourish, though they spake not of it openly.

42 For Calem remained wary, and Serena did ponder the path that lay before her.

43 Yet deep within their hearts, the truth did dwell, as a secret shared betwixt them.

44 The Lord, who seeth all, did regard them with favor, for their love was pure.

45 In the days to come, trials did await, yet their bond would endure, for it was woven upon the fabric of true affection.

46 Thus did Calem and Serena embark upon their journey together, though they knew not whither it might lead.

47 Their love was a treasure, hidden within the fields of their hearts, biding time for full revelation.

48 For love is a gift from the Lord, and when discovered, it ought to be cherished.

49 So it came to pass that Calem, who had long shunned the stirrings of his heart, did finally confess his love, thereby finding peace.


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