Chapter 11 - Misadventure

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1 Lo, it came to pass, after many a month, that Calem did take fair Serena unto her dwelling, and they did bid each other farewell.

2 Serena kissed him, declaring, "Good night, I cherish thee; I shall see thee on the morrow." And she waved him adieu.

3 Calem spake, "Hasten within ere I embark, for the night is as dark as a raven's wing." And she did heed his command, but not before peering through the gate once more, waving still.

4 Calem smiled, for he beheld her in his rear-view mirror, and he did drive forth with joy in his breast.

5 Now the night was dark and thick as a shroud, and the path narrow before him.

6 Behold, as he steered, there appeared another car from around a bend, and its lights did blind him.

7 Calem, seeking to evade the car, did swerve, but lo, it was too late, and the two cars did collide with a mighty crash.

8 The sound of the collision was as the breaking of bones, and all was still.

9 When Calem regained his senses, he found himself ensnared in the wreckage, his frame full of aches and pains.

10 The carriage was shattered and crumpled, and darkness did blanket the earth around him.

11 He was alone, with naught but the silence of the night to keep him company.

12 Calem, in dread and uncertainty, did reach for his phone, and with trembling hands, did send a missive, saying only, "Accident." And he hoped his kin and fair Serena would find him.

13 As he lay in the ruin, he heard a sound faint and distant—the sound of a siren drawing near.

14 The sound grew louder, until at last, a search party came with lights to rescue him.

15 They did lift him from the wreck of his carriage and took him with haste unto the hospital.

16 There, the doctors did minister unto him, and his wounds were tended, for Providence had spared his life.

17 Though he bled much, for a shard of glass did pierce his lips, his injuries were deemed but minor.

18 Calem gave thanks unto the Lord, for though his visage bore the marks of his trial, he was alive and whole.

19 The physicians did command that he tarry in the infirmary for a week, that they might observe for any inward malady.

20 His kin and fair Serena were much distraught, and they wept that night.

21 Serena did cling unto Calem, saying, "Be steadfast, my beloved; I feared to lose thee. I hold thee dear. Pray, do not forsake me."

22 Serena remained with him, not departing from his side, not even for a moment's breath.

23 For the full seven nights that he lay in the infirmary, Serena vigilantly kept his bedside, and his kin marveled at such devotion.

24 When at last Calem was brought to his abode, he did gaze into the mirror, and his visage bore the marks of many stitches.

25 He spake unto himself, "Lo, I am unseemly now."

26 But Serena drew nigh and embraced him, saying, "Nay, thou art not unseemly, my love."

27 "I cherished thee then, and I cherish thee still, yea, even more. Thou art ne'er unseemly in mine eyes."

28 With tears, she spake, "I feared I had lost thee, Calem."

29 Calem, brimming with love, spake unto her, "I love thee, Serena, yet I fear to weep, lest it spoil the balm upon my wounds.

30 And I would fain kiss thee, but my lips are bound with stitches, and I must not reopen the gash."

31 Serena, laughing softly, said, "It is well, my love. We shall await until thou art fully healed."

32 Calem looked upon her with tender gaze and said, "Serena, when I am whole once more, let us be wed. Wilt thou take my hand in marriage?"

33 Serena, smiling with great joy, said, "Yea, I shall wed thee, for I love thee beyond measure."

34 They did entwine in each other's arms, and in unison, they whispered, "I love thee."


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