Chapter 7 - Safeguard

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1 Behold, the season of rain didst descend upon the realm, and the hour had come for the folk to prepare new heraldings and wares for the spread of their glory.

2 For the potions they did sell, the haven they did keep, and the comfort they bestowed, these must be proclaimed unto all who did pass by.

3 In the midst of their shop's stillest hours, they did prepare for a photoshoot, even at diverse times of day, that their craft might shine forth.

4 They ventured forth into the open air, to reveal the beauty of the place and the labours of their hands.

5 Yet lo, whilst they toiled at their craft, the heavens did rend, and rain began to fall upon them, and the firmament was filled with thunder and lightning.

6 Calem, perceiving the tempest, hastened with great care, for he didst stow his phone with haste.

7 He ran unto Serena, who was the model for the photoshoot, and lo, he did cover her head with his coat, that she might not be drenched.

8 Serena, seeing his kindness, was greatly moved, and her cheeks did blush, for she found herself without speech.

9 Then spake Calem unto her, "Let us seek shelter," and he did nudge her gently to depart, that they both might flee from the storm.

10 Thus they ran with great speed back into the shop, where it was dry and safe from the rain.

11 Calem, as though naught had transpired, did set his hand unto the toil anew, for he began to edit the images and the videos they had taken.

12 Serena sat in silence for a spell, for the coat he had laid upon her remained in her hold.

13 But after a time, she did take up a lute that was within the shop, and began to play a melody familiar to her.

14 When Calem did hear the tune, he knew it well, and as he labored over the images, he began to sing along with the music.

15 The hours passed swiftly, and patrons entered the shop, even though the rain continued to pour from the heavens.

16 When the day was spent, and the shop was ready to close, Calem and Serena stood bidding farewell unto the last of their guests.

17 Lo, a great clap of thunder echoed through the silent night, and the sky was still heavy with clouds. 18. Then said Calem unto Serena, "I think the rain shall return."

19 Serena nodded, and said unto him, "Thou art blessed, for thou hast a car. But as for me, my scooter is old and broken, and I must book a ride home."

20 "Or peradventure, if I have not the money, I must needs walk home, as I have done many times before."

21 Then Calem, with concern, said unto her, "Walk? At this hour?"

22 Serena nodded again, saying, "Yea, even through all my college years have I done so, and no harm hath befallen me. Only have faith, and pray."

23 Calem pondered for a moment, and said unto her, "Where dwellest thou? For I know not, seeing I left all the hiring unto my mother, Ma'am Martha."

24 Serena smiled, and said unto him, "Lo, we are neighbors of a sort, for I dwell but a few blocks from thine own house. We live in the same place."

25 Then said Calem, "It is about to rain again, and since we are neighbors, should I not escort thee home?"

26 Without waiting for an answer, Calem opened the door for her, and said, "Come, let us go; hop in."

27 Serena blushed again, for her heart did beat quickly, and her ears burned with warmth.

28 So she entered the car, and Calem took her safely unto her home.

29 It came to pass, from that night forward, that their journey together at the end of each day became a custom.

30 For after the work was done, Calem and Serena would share the ride home, and their bond grew with each passing day.


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