Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Forty-One

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Enjoy! This is the last chapter before the Epilouge! Ahhh FINALLY!

Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Forty-One


Addison's POV


 In simple words, I panicked. As soon as I saw the starnge man point the gun at Tyler, my breathing turned ragged and uneven. My heart beat quickened and felt as if it was trying to break free of my rib cage. After all we had been through in this tent from hell, he was going to be shot by some stranger.

The man kept the gun pointed at his head as he took a step forward and quickly scanned the tent, checking his surroundings. His face never changed from its neutral facade. It remained stony and even, making him even more scary.

The boss seemed shocked and angry as he watched the man. He obviously wasn't part of the gang and this was definetly not planned. It made me feel a bit better that he was taken off guard too.

So if this man wasn't with the gang, then whey was he trying to kill Tyler? What did he have against my boyfriend?

The man stood unwavering and continued to hold the gun towards Tyler, causing my confusion to deepen. Suddenly the man turned on the advancing gang members and shot several shots, bringing them all to the ground, all of them dead.

I stood with my mouth agape. One minute he is holding a gun to my boyfriend, and the next he is firing at the gang. Who's side is he on?

The action didn't stop there though. He continued to shot around, taking down all of the men holding guns. Everyone sitting down suddenly jumped up and went out the back entrance of the tent.  

The sound of multiple guns going off were peircing my ears, making me want to lift my hands to them. But I couldn't because my hands were still tied to this damn chair. I struggled against the straps, but still nothing. 

I glanced up at Tyler to see how he was reacting to this. His expression seemed to be a mirror of mine. He was looking at with a confused expression. His eyes darted around the room, trying to take in everything that was happening. It's not our fault though, our lack of intelligence is caused by malnutrition and lack of blood and sleep.

When I glanced back at Tyler, he had finally came into motion and was struggling to get a pair of scissors that were laying on the tray beside his seat. It took him a while, but he finally managed to get a hold of them and start cutting the straps from his ankles and wrists. Next it was my turn.

Once we were finally free, we started sprinting to the back entrance. But halfway there, I rammed into a solid wall. I groaned in pain and glanced up to see what I had run into. I was shocked to see that it was not a wall, but a human. Not just any human, but the boss man himself.

Tyler quickly stood in front of me in a protective stance. He faced the cruel man with pure rage written all over his features. The boss stared back evenly.

"You think you can get a way after all of the work I put into getting you here? No way,"the boss smirked down at both of us.

Before either of us could respond, I was being turned around and the boss was holding a gun to my head. I managed to turn my head slightly and found Tyler in a similar position with another one of the gang members.

"Don't shoot!"the man who had entered the tent yelled, holding his gun up at the boss.

"I suggest you put the gun down before we kill them AND you," the boss threatened,"Just drop your gun and walk slowly towards us."

The man hesitantly dropped his gun to the dirt floor and slowly walked towards us. I tried to tell him with my eyes to just run away because we were dead anyway. But either he didn't see it or just ignored it because he continued forward.

When he finally reached in front of us, I could see his face clearly. He looked very familiar. It was like I had seen him in a photo or something before.

Suddenly the boss went slack behind me, before dragging me down ontop of him. Then went Tyler and his guy. I struggled to get out of his hold and finally stood up straight, looking down at the bleeding man.

"What the hell just happened?"Tyler voiced my thoughts, standing up as well.

"No clue,"I muttered.

The man shook his head in amusement,"My men shot them."

"How did we not here it?"I questioned.

"They used silencers." I shook my head in understanding.

The man led us out of the tent where a group of five men were gathered.

"Great job guys!"the man cheered, followed by some shouts and screams.

I gave them a tight lipped smile and wrapped my arms around Tyler, afraid to let him go.

"Hi, I'm Jim. I used to go to school with your dad,"the leader introduced himself, holding out his hand.

"Hi Jim. Thank you so much for saving us,"I gave a more truthful smile this time.

The other guys greeted themselves as Dawson, Michael, James, Luke, and Tyler. I shook all of their hands and thanked them, as did Tyler.

After that curiosity got a hold of me,"How did you find us?"

"How about I answer you in the car. It's a long drive back home and I'm sure you kids want to see your folks and get some food in you." I agreed and we headed to the two SUVs waiting for us.

They each had a driver and Jim, Tyler and I got into the back of one, while the other guys got into the other. We pulled out and Jim handed us each a pop tart.

"Sorry that the best I can give you is a pop tart, but we wanted something that wouldn't spoil because we didn't know how long we were going to have to camp out."

Tyler and I didn't complain as we engulfed the food and then chugged down the water that Jim gave us. After our bellies were satisfied I turned to him with a questioning look.

"Ok, well we found out about your disappearance on the news. My boys and I are in a secret organization of hitmen. I know, evil, but we usually only do jobs such as this, where we are gunning down gangs and saving people or whatnot. Anyway, I knew that your last name looked familiar, so I looked up your dad's phone number and gave him a call. He told all about your disappearance and how your boyfriend had gone missing, too. At first I thought you had just run off to have a secret marriage or some shit, but then Tyler's parents gave us some useful information."

Tyler's eyes opened wide in shock.

"They told us about your past and we looked into your reports and used that to connect your absence with the gang. It took us a while, but we finally located the gang by finding us an inside source. So this was like a two birds with one stone mission, we saved ya'll and we exterminated the gang!"

I laughed at his bird analogy and let my shoulders and back finally relax. I rested my head on Tyler's shoulder and sighed in content. Everything was going to go back to normal. We were going to be okay and now we can actually have a relationship and hopefully get married.

I fell asleep with a small smile on my face.


This is the last shapter but I will be posting the Epilogue later tonight! Be on the watch for a new story from me this summer :)

LoVe Ya & GoD bLeSs <3

Song: Radioactive by Imagine Dragons

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