Part 1

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Lauren's POV.

" Thank you Chicago! Ya'll were an amazing crowd! Have a great night ! We love you!" Ally addressed the hundreds of fans in the crowd
right before we left the stage.

As we walked backstage I bumped into someone due to how fucking dark it was. God, could they really not give us at least a little light? I was snapped from my annoyance when I realized who I ran into.

"Oh, sorry" I said to Camila who just looked at me and gave a fake smile and continued walking. That's how most of our encounters played out these days. One of us would bump into each other or give a simple hi while the other gave a fake smile. I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt knowing that we're to the point where we can't even talk to each other out of the public eye.

Camz and I use to be so close and good friends. There wasn't a moment we didn't spend apart talking about everything and anything. When did our friendship get so lost? Right, when fans decided to take our ship name a little too serious. God, I wish we never called ourself "Camren" because now the whole fandom has taken it from a friendship to a relationship. Now Camila and I can't even look in each other direction without people thinking it's more. Don't get me wrong I love the harmonizers more than I lead on but it just sucks knowing they're the reason Camila and I don't talk. I mean I have nothing against lesbians but I'm just not one. I just haven't had the desire really and looking at all the Camren videos I can see why they would get the idea planted in their heads. But that's just not the case... Right? Of course not. At least not on my part.

" Hellllllllooooo.. Earth to Lauren" Normani said while waving her hands in front of my face.

"I'm sorry. what did you say?" I asked trying to act unfazed by my thoughts. I sat down on the black leather couch in our dressing room and began taking off my ridiculously high but cute pumps.

She sat down next to me and mirrored my actions . "I said that Camila, Dinah and I are going to watch a movie in Camila and Dinah's room. Do you want to join?"

" That's okay, I'm really tired" which wasn't the truth but I knew it would be valid considering we just had a show. " I think I'm just going to go back to our room and call it a night."

"Whatever you say Lo, but if you change your mind just come over" she then stood up with her pumps in her hand and kissed my forehead. " You did great tonight"

"Thanks Mani. You killed it as usual" she gave me a genuine smile and walked to the bathroom.

After finally getting my pumps off I found my phone and waited for the bathroom to clear. I decided to look at tweets and see if anyone took any good pictures of me on stage. There were a lot of good ones but one caught my attention instantly.

It was a picture of Camila and I on stage during 'Who Are You.' Camz has her mic to her mouth and you could see the emotions on her face. Then there's me being the caring person I was looking at her with concern. Of course due to this 'Camren' shit a fan captioned it " I wish I had someone who looked at me like Lauren looks at Camila."

What look? The look of concern because my bandmate/best friend looks hurt? This is getting ridiculous. I locked my phone screen and went to the bathroom. I didn't even notice that everyone but Dinah was out of the room.

Was I really that into my phone?

When I walked into the bathroom I didn't even bother shutting the door since no one was there and I was just washing my face. Then I heard someone whisper my name.

"Lauren." I looked through the mirror but didn't see anyone.

"Lauren." They whisper again. I then see Dinah trying to hid behind the door so I wouldn't see her.

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