Part 6

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Camila's POV

" Camila look over here! Lauren give Camila a kiss. How's it feel to be the it couple in Hollywood? Camren! Camren! We know you're faking it!"

Shooting up out of my sleep I felt the sweat on my forehead. It took me a moment to realize where I was. Next thing I knew tears were streaming down my face. " It was just a dream Mila. It was just a dream." I kept repeating that to myself for what felt like hours. Looking at the alarm clock next to my bed I cursed myself for waking up so early.

" Are you ok?" A raspy voice appeared causing me to fall off my bed with a loud thud.

" Ouch " I groaned propping my self up on my elbows. Lauren was not leaning over the edge of my bed with her hand outstretched. " Thanks" I huffed brushing off my pajama pants.

" Bad dream?" Lauren ask as she sat cross legged on the other side of my bed.

" Very."

" Want to talk about it?"  Of course I did. But how? Taking a deep breath I grabbed on of my pillows and hugged it to my chest.

" I'm just scared..." After Lauren didn't say anything for a few seconds I continued " what if people find out and hate me.. I mean us." I looked up quick to see if she caught my slip up but she didn't say anything and her facial expressions didn't suggest anything.

" I've had those thoughts too Camz. And as much as I want to tell you and believe that nothing bad is going to happen.. I can't. But we just have to try our best to get through these next couple of months. Okay?" She moved her hand under my chin so I would face her. " Ok?"

" Ok." She is such a genuine person. How could I possibly try and use her for my own selfish reasons. But I have no other choice. I need to make sure no one ever finds out about this. Pushing my guilt to the back of my mind I leant forward and kissed Lauren's cheek softly. " Thanks, Lo." I could see the pink tint on her cheeks.

" Yeah.. Uh.. No problem. " she stuttered obviously  in a flustered state. " Uh get some rest. I'll be just over here if you need me." She slowly got up from my bed to occupy hers. Sighing deeply I rolled over facing away from her. This is selfish Camila I thought just before I drifted off to sleep.

Lauren's POV

I couldn't sleep over the constant pounding of my heard and my thoughts reeling. Why did she do that? It was the middle of the night she had no one to convince that we were together. So why? An even bigger question... Why did it make me feel like this. Why am I so flustered? It's Camila. She's my best friend. She couldn't possibly have feelings for me right? And I couldn't possibly have feeling for her.. Right? Of course not Lauren, You're not a lesbian. You just need to be reminded. I sat up and looked over at Camila. She wasn't facing me but I assumed she was sleep. Falling back on my bed and taking a deep breath I let sleep overcome me.


Camila's POV

Its been 3 weeks since Lauren and I came out as a couple and things seemed to be going great. We did endless interview and there were more positive views on us than negative. I didn't stop with my extra PDA with Lauren but I didn't push it as hard. I was finally feeling safe until Lauren started getting close to this guy Noah Benardout. What made even more nervous about him was the fact that Lauren had filled him in on our little secret. Will made him sign a contract and everything but I still didn't trust him. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't even a little bit jealous. Over the last few weeks I've caught small feelings for the green eyed beauty but I'd never tell her. Keeping our secret safe was more important to me than any developing feelings I had.

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