Part 10

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Camila's P.O.V

"Lauren!" I chase after her, getting to the hall just as she blacks out. Oh god. I ran over to her. Dinah is already calling the hospital. "Lauren, I love you...." I whispered, knowing that no one could hear. I pushed the hair out of her face. She's so beautiful. By this time, Dinah is by my side.

"What the hell happened," she asks , concerned, "She looked pissed and then just kinda passed out" I cradled Lauren's head and rubbed my thumb over her cheek.

"Austin is in my room, I think that may have shocked her a bit. But other than that I don't know what happened." I state. Dinah looks kinda pissed, but doesn't say anything. "What did the hospital say?" I ask.

"Oh, yeah, the lady said that it sounded like she just fainted, so she doesn't really need an ambulance or anything. She said to place her in a bed and let her wake up on her own. She may have a killer headache, though." Dinah calls Big Rob, who comes and carries Lauren to my bed. When we walk in Austin is still sitting on Lauren's bed like an idiot.

 Finally after getting Lauren situated, Big Rob leaves but not before giving Austin a threatning glare that went unnoticed by the boy.

"Hey Camilla," he smiles and then frowns at the sight of Lauren, "What happened?" I was already agitated with him being here anyway and now he just pushed me over the edge. Could he seriously not pronounce my name right after all this time!?

"First off, it's Camila, as in CamEEla and you should know that by now. Secondly, we are never ever ever getting back together..ever. Third, please get out of my room and never try to talk to me again. Got it?"

Austin looks at me with amusement, " Did you just quote a Taylor swift song?"

Sighing deeply " Yes. Now get out!" I pointed to the door.

"But..." Austin took a step closer to me with begging eyes.

"Hey" We both jumped from the familiar husky voice . Both Austin and I look at the source. " She said get out. So get out dumbass." 

Austin looks at her in bewilderment at the sudden demand. Without another word he headed for the but stopping right in front of the door and looking at me. He opened his mouth to say something but then snapped it shut when his eyes met Lauren's,quickly leaving out of the room. I could only imagine the glare she was gave him. 

"How are you feeling?" I ask Lauren sitting on the bed next to her and grabbing her hand. 

"Like I was hit by a truck" Lauren says chuckling lightly and I can't help but join in.

"You scared me Jauregui.. what the hell happened?"

" I skipped lunch plus running up a bunch of stairs don't mix well.." Lauren chuckled again. But this time I didn't join in. 

" What do you mean you skipped lunch? Isn't the whole reason you and Noah left? And why were you running up the stairs? And why did you freak out when you walked in here?" I took a deep breath realizing I asked all those questions in one breath. 

"Camz.. Chill..." Lauren's face fell. " We need to talk." Lauren's voice sounded soft but demanding. 

" About what?" I gulped.



Lauren's P.O.V


" What about us?" Camila asked letting go of my hand.


" Lauren. What the hell!" Will says bursting into Camila and I's room. Camila instantly jumps from the bed and to her feet. " First I get a call telling me you pulled some stunt in front of a cafe with Noah and then I hear you pass out! What is going on Jauregui?" He crosses his arms.

"Woah. Will, come down. She just woke up?" Camila came to my defense. Will's face softened a little bit but he still held a glare at me. 

" Lauren?" He prompts. 

"I.. Noah was using me.." I looked at Camila who had a 'I told you so' look but then it softened. Looking back at Will I continued. " So I called Big Rob to come get me and because of that I didn't eat anything.. Then when I got here the elevator was coming so slow so I ran up here.."

"Wait you broke up with Noah? " Will raised and eyebrow. " Bout time Jauregui! kid gave me the creeps." 

"You're not mad?" I asked taken back at his confession. He raised his eyebrow again as if he was confused. " You know because he knows about the whole ' Faking it' thing?"

"Oh." Will laughed. " Trust me he won't say anything. He pretty much signed his whole life away when he agreed not to say anything. We pretty much own him and could seriously do some damage if he ever did share out little... secret. But ran up 8 flights of stairs? For what?" Will asked 

"I.." I looked at Camila who also was interested to know the answer. "I had to pee." I lied. Camila frowned knowing I was lying but I didn't want to have this conversation with Will in the room. I just wanted to talk to Camila one on one. 

" You know what?" Will started but then looked at me and sighed. "Let's go down stairs and get you checked out. Can you walk?" He asked as he approached the bed.

" Do I have to right now? I was kinda in the middle of something." 

" Yes, now. We have a busy day tomorrow and I need to make sure you're okay. I don't want you to pass out again." Will stated with finality in his voice.

I looked at Camila with an expression that said " Help me out here" but she just shook her head. " Will's right Lauren. You might have hit your head. You should go get checked out. We'll talk later. Ok?" She gave me a small smile.

"Alright.. Lets go." I deadpan to Will as I slowly get off of the bed with a dramatic grown to follow. 

The sooner I get this over with the sooner I can tell Camila how I really feel. Thats all I've wanted to do since I found out about Noah's intentions. Why did it take me this long to finally understand that I wanted Camila? All the clue were right in front of me but I was just so caught up in maintaing this "image" and proving people wrong about us being together that I completely ignored her feelings and mine. No more. This time I'm going to do anything and everything to make sure Camila knows that I love her. Shit. I love her.


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