Part 13

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Lauren's POV

Camila and I never got to have our talk. It was like the universe was completely against me telling her how I truly felt. Will wasn't joking when he said we had a busy day the next day after my little incident. The girls and I were on a constant go the whole day and even though I was always with Camila, we probably said five words to each other.

" Alright girls, I know its been a long and busy day." Will started to speak

"It's only 2 o'clock " Dinah groaned. " Are we almost done yet? I'm hella tired." she huffed plopping down in her seat in the van.

" We just have a few more things to do girls and then you can have the rest of the week to yourselves. Just work with me here." Will pleaded from the front of the van.

" The rest of the week? You realize today is Saturday right? So that means we only get one day to ourselves." I groan taking the seat next to Dinah.

" Hey! One is better than none and after today i'd take an hour to myself." Normani says while hitting in the shoulder and giving me an exhausted glare.

"What exactly do we have left to do?" Camila asks from the back of the van.

" Yeah, we've already done two interviews and a photo shoot. What else could we possibly do? And could it possibly lead to Waffle House? " Ally asked giggling at the last part. We all just shook our heads too exhausted to make fun of the eldest of the five of us for always being hungry.

" We have one more interview and maybe a little concert" Will said the last part almost so quite that we almost didn't catch it... but we did.

"WHAT!?" we all screeched in unison?

"A concert? Are you fucking kidding me Will? How the hell do you expect us to perform?" I snapped. There was no way in hell I could get on stage and perform. I was exhausted! And I know the other girls were also. He's out of his mind if he thinks this is going to end well.

" Chill girls, it's only two or three songs at a benefit. It will take 20 minutes at most. You'll be fine."

We all groaned letting out a defeated sigh. " When is it" Camila asked with a tired glare directed towards Will.

" We're on our way now. Should be about an hour. I'd get some sleep if I were you girls." Will snickered pulling down his sunglasses while typing away at his phone.

" We hate you" Dinah hissed.

" Love you girls too" Will back fired with a chuckle.

After just a few seconds of our eyes closed, we all welcomed sleep gladly.

After the benefit concert and the interview it was safe to say we were finally done. Will kept his word and gave us the rest of the night off and the next day. But he was sure to emphasize that on Monday, it was right back to work.

Too tired to protest or come back with some witty comment we all nodded and headed up to our rooms. The girls and I decided to have a sleep over even though we all knew it wouldn't be much fun because we were going to pass out very soon.

"Should we watch a movie?" Dinah asked falling on the couch.

"There's no way I'll be able to make it through a movie, DJ" Normani groaned landing next to her.

" Well, let's not make this night a bust. We have to have some fun before we all die of exhaustion." Dinah says with a pout while wrapping an arm around Normani.

" Dinah's right. Let's do something fun... LETS MAKE BROWNIES!" Ally squeals!

"I'm in" I say

"'Me too" Dinah answers.

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