Part 9

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Lauren's POV

He's using you. What the hell did that mean? You can't just kiss someone when their boyfriend is five feet away and say things like that without explaining. She literally shoved me out the door before I could even get a word in leaving me even more confused. And why was she so mad about Noah? I thought since we never actually talked about what's been going on between us that it was just a fling where we cuddled and made out ? But today... Today it was different. If we weren't interrupted only God knows what would've happened.

"Lo.... Lauren? Babe" Noah's voice rang bringing back to the real world.

"Hmm? What'd you say?" I asked turning to him.

"Where the hell did you go?" He chuckled. " I said thank you for shouting me and the boys out on Twitter. We almost have 90 thousand followers now." He exclaimed.

"Oh.. Right. No problem." I smiled back. Noah took our intertwined hands and brought them to his mouth, kissing the back of mine. My heart fluttered at the gesture. But soon dispersed when I saw a crowd of paparazzi standing outside of the diner we were heading for.  " Shit. Isn't there a back entrance we can take? I really don't want another slip up."

Noah met my eyes before turning back to the road. Looking back as well I noticed that we weren't taking the back way but indeed pulling right in front of the diner.

"What the hell are you doing?" I looked at all the people crowding the car and mentally thanked Noah for having such tinted windows.

" I'm tired of hiding us Lo. I want people to know that you're mine." He turned to face me.

I instantly pulled my hand out of his grasp. " That's not your choice to make, Noah?"

" Then why are we even together? What is the point in all this? We go good together! We look good together! People want us together!  It's good for our image!" Noah's voice filled the car. Looking at him with wide eyes.. Then it clicked.

" When you said our image.. You mean your bands not ours.. Don't you?" His eye widen and then fell to his hands. It looked like he was mentally cursing himself for his slip up. Before he could open his mouth to speak I cut him off. " Save it. You know what. Here I was thinking that you actually liked me for me. For the real Lauren Jauregui. But you were yet another one to use my fame to your advantage. I should've realized this when almost all our conversations led to you asking me to promote you guys." I laughed to myself. " I'm such an idiot. I was so desperate to find love that I was blinded by it. All I've ever wanted was someone who acutely cared for me. Someone who would want to be with me in private and in public. Who could understand be at times that I don't understand myself. Someone who laughs and cries with me. Someone who loves me." Camila. I just described Camila perfectly. Fuck.

Noah tried to speak again but I put up my hands to stop him. I didn't care what he had to say. It was done and my heart was
pounding at my new realization. Pulling out my phone I dialed Big Robs number I need to see Camila. He instantly picked up and I asked him to come get me.  That's when Noah finally spoke.

" Lauren.. Please don't do this. I do like you.. I love you for Lauren. I just love the benefits that come with you also." Wrong answer.

" Please do not contact me. We're done, Noah" we sat in an awkward silence for about 5 minutes before Big Rob showed up.

He was fighting his way through the crowd of people surrounding the car. Turning to Noah " and just know you're still under contract. So this." I said pointing in between the two of us. " is still confidential so don't try anything." He simply nodded and with that I let out a deep sigh leaning over and kissing him lightly on the cheek. He didn't move, his eyes trained in front of him as he death gripped the steering wheel.

Finally Big Rob made it to the door opening it for me. " You good munchkin?" He asked as I stepped out the car.

No. I wasn't good. I just broke up with my boyfriend that I thought loved me but didn't. But I technically cheated on him anyways with my fake girl friend that I don't have such fake feelings for but broke her heart by being with my truly fake boyfriend and now I'm sure they both hate me and I ruined everything with Camila so now I have to figure out a way to get her back.

" Just dandy"


As soon as we arrived to the Hotel I gave Big Rob a big hug and thank you before practically sprinting into the hotel. I had no idea what I was going to do or say to Camila. I was strictly running on impulse. That seemed to work for us these days so I just went with it.

Waiting at the elevator I grew frustrated. It was like it was taking a year just to get to me. So I ran to the steps running up 8 flights stairs not caring that I was sure I was going to pass out. Man.. I really need to take cardio more serious. Shaking my head of that thought I focused on Camila again.

Finally reaching our floor I ran down the hall. I didn't even notice I bumped past Dinah in the hall until I heard her yell " What he hell."

Frantically I opened the door running in. " Camila loo- " I stopped myself when I realized there was someone else in our room with her sitting on my bed. Camila looked at me in shock before standing up.

" Hey Lauren." Austin? He stood up and hugged me. I didn't hug back due to the fact that I was in shock.. My mind was going one hundred but my body wouldn't move. Austin took a step back and looked at me. " Lauren?"

My stomach flipped. And out of impulse yet again.. I ran out the door just as fast as I came in. " Lauren?" Camila called out but I was already out the door.

Running back down the hallway I ran into Dinah again. This time the taller girl bumping me to the ground with a loud thud.

" Lauren? What the hell is your- " she must've saw the distraught look on my face." What wrong " she asked instantly dropping to her knees. " Lauren? What's wrong? Talk to me?"

" I... Uhh. " I couldn't formulate a coherent sentence. I was just so confused. I thought Camz hated him. He broke her heart into a million pieces. What was he doing on my bed and in my room alone with her? Were they getting back together.

Due to my frantic running and nerves I felt my breaths becoming shorter and harder to come by. Yup. Definitely need to work on cardio. I tried to stand up only to be met with the floor once again. The room startrd spinning, shit.

" Lo..? Lauren?" Was all I heard before I was consumed with darkness.

A/n IM SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG. I'm heading back to college soon so I've been working and packing . I actually didn't think I was going to continue this because I have 0 time but I won't do that. If anything I'll write a few more chapters that will be long and then end it.
So let me know if there's anything you would like to see happen (;

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