Part 4: Camila's thoughts.

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A/n: Hi! This is super short because 1. I wanted you guys to see the difference between the thought processes of Camila and Lauren. 2. Because I need more time to think about this and didn't want to leave anyone hanging for too long! So here you go(:
Camila's POV

'Camren' That single word kept my mind reeling all night. One moment I'd be overcome with excitement with  the word and then disbelief... But the one thing that hit me hard was the realization that I was lying to everyone. Realizing this caused my stomach to turn. What if people found out we're lying? What would they say or do to me?

The fear of people finding out was causing me to feel sick. I had to remind myself that I was just overreacting. But I wasn't. In one swift motion I was out of bed and in the bathroom hunched over the toilet. Gross. Thank god we all had our own rooms tonight because this would be extremely embarrassing to explain.

Once I felt that I wasn't going to puke again I stood at the sink. When I turned on the water I immediately stuck my hands under and brought it to my face. " Get it together Camila. You're just over thinking." I said out loud while wiping my face with one of the small white towels hanging on the rack. But what if I wasn't? Uh oh. Running back over to the toilet and puking again. When I was finished I didn't even bother getting up. Scooting closer to wall so my back was against it I brought my knees to my chest and buried my head in my knees.

All the possibilities of what could happen if people found out was scaring me. It had since the subject was brought up. But I wanted to be strong for the group and for Lauren. One of us had to, so I took it upon myself to do so. But in reality I was scared shitless. Our lives... My life would be ruined. I really can't have that. I don't want to go back to the way things were before Fifth Harmony. I didn't want to be alone with no one liking me. I couldn't.. I wouldn't. What the hell was I suppose to do. I can't take back the interview. The damage is done.

I stood up slowly and walked back to the sink. Looking at myself in the mirror and coming up with a decision. After brushing my teeth I headed back to my bed and slipped under the covers. I knew what I needed to do to help ensure no one would find out that Camren was a lie. I needed to make Lauren fall for me because then it wouldn't be a lie right? Maybe I could cause a little more PDA in the public eye and maybe out of it. Because maybe if Lauren started to like me just a little bit we could sell it more. This may be selfish of me but my mind was made up. Finally happy with my idea my mind started slowing down and I was relaxing. Glancing at the alarm clock next to my bed it read 2:34 in the morning. Damn. Good thing we have the day off tomorrow. And with that I fell asleep.

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