Part 2

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Lauren's POV

It was really unexpected when Camila came into my room but I'm glad she did. After our little  talk I finally feel like we are getting back to how we use to be. I was so excited to see where this would go. I mean we are in a girl band, we are stuck together so we might as make it work.

But that's the opposite of what happened. Camila didn't change at all. Some days she was more talkative to me than others but all around nothing really changed. We still never interacted in interview or award shows or on stage. I was so confused. What the hell is going on with us? It's like I want to talk to her and ask what the deal is but I just can't. I don't want things to get worse. But they already have. 

The girls and I did an over the phone interview and the lady asked us if any of us were dating each other. Instantly Camila and I knew it was about us. We told the interviewer that we are like sisters and that it's really uncomfortable and inappropriate when fans say we're together. To me I thought we handled it well. Fans need to know that we are literally sisters and it's not okay to constantly insist that we are together. I didn't think much about it and thought it was just another interview like the dozens before.

But for some reason our concerts are getting smaller and smaller by the show. We lost almost a million followers on Twitter.

From: Will
Emergency meeting now in conference room.

Uh oh. That doesn't sound good. As I make my way to the conference room I see Normani, Ally and Camila already sitting around the long brown table.

"Where's Dinah?" Will asks while looking down at his watch.

" I'm here! Sorry I just woke up" Dinah said out of breath as she walked through the door and took the seat next to Camila. I gave a little giggle and took the seat next to Ally.

" Okay girls. I'm just going to cut straight to it. As you can tell our fan base is dwindling by the second and we need to fix it." Will said with a stern tone and turned on the projector screen.

" How do we fix it if we don't know what's going on?" I ask while taking a sip of my bottle of water. He looks at me and raises his eye brows.

" Oh.. We know what's going on." He pulls up tweets on the the projector and reads them off.

Tweet 1: it's pointless to be in a girl band of two of them don't even like each other. Camren has ruined fifth harmony

Tweet 2: Camila and Lauren have ruined fifth harmony for me. Where's little mix at ?

Tweet 3: Fifth harmony is all about same sex marriage but get absolutely disgusted when people ship Camren. Ok I'm done.

Tweet 4: Fuc-

Will turned off the projector before we all could read the next tweet. No one said anything for a while. I looked around the room and saw Camila playing with her thumbs in her lap. Dinah was still staring at the screen with her mouth slightly open. Normani and Ally were looking at me. What the hell. We are losing fans because Camila and I aren't gay?

" So you're telling me this is all because ' Camren' isn't real in a relationship aspect!" I stood up from my chair and placed my hands on the table. My blood was boiling. I looked at Will who averted eye contact with me. I ran a shaky hand through my hair. I looked at Camila who looked at me then at Will.

"How do we fix it?" She asked in a small voice. I just stared at her in disbelief. I started to walk out but Big Rob blocked the door.

He put his hands on my shoulder and looked me in the eyes with such tenderness. " Lauren I know you're not happy but please just sit down and listen." I can't say so to Big Rob so I did what he said. I turned to Will and gestured for him to carry on.

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