Part 7

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Lauren's POV.

It's been 3 full days since Camila kissed me. 3 full days of silence between us. This was mostly on my part though. I had no words for my other band mate. I'm Mad that she yelled at me for living my life.  I'm mad at her for abruptly kissing me. Mad that she didn't even make an attempt these last 3 days to explain to me the reasoning behind it. Granted I didn't give her the opportunity but still. But most of all I was mad at her for confusing the hell out of me.

I was so confused due the fact that I thought Camila had zero feelings for me and was only in this to save our jobs. I thought we both were on the same page. I thought her random acts of affection were just part of the 'roles' we were playing. But what if it wasn't? Or maybe it was. But what possessed her to actually kiss me? And why did I like it? What! Wait no Lauren. You're with Noah. You love Noah.

" Lo?" Ally called from the door way of our dressing room. Today was our first interview since the whole " Noah and I going out " thing. But most importantly it was the first interview since the whole " Camila assaulted me with her mouth" thing also. But no one knew about that. At least I haven't told anyone, who knows who she's told.

" Yeah ?"

" Are you ready? We go on in 5."

" Yeah." I got up and followed Ally out. The first person I saw was Camila. Great. She looked at me for a split second before looking at the ground. Damn she looked gorgeous. NO Lauren. Stop. Banishing those thoughts from my head I stood beside her with enough distance in between us.

" Alright you girls ready?" Will addressed us. " Everyone remember their lines?"

" You didn't give us lines." Dinah asked looking around at us all. "Right? Fuhh don't tell me I forgot.."

" No Dinah... If you didn't sleep during meetings you'd remember me telling you girls that there are no more scripts. It's been a month now and I think you girls are trustworthy enough to handle interviews." Will sighed.

" Shoot. Right. I remember that." Which it was obvious that she didn't. Laughing slightly I caught Camila looking at me from the corner of my eye. I chose to ignore her.

" Anyways, Camren you ready?" Will clapped his hands and looked us. Slightly annoyed I nodded my and Camila did the same. Would it kill him to address us as individual people.. Geez. "Alright let's go."

As soon as I heard the countdown I let go of my ego and grasp Camila's hand. I saw her looking at me in shock but ignored her again. We just had to walk on stage holding hands and that was it. I could do that. But the instant I grabbed her hand I got butterflies. Picking up my pace a litter faster we finally reached the stools set up for us. As soon as I sat down I let go of her hand.

The interview was going great and they hadn't asked about the Noah situation yet. As the interviewer was asking a question I felt a hand slowing grab ahold of mine. Looking down and realizing that it was Camila, I instantly pulled away. My anger towards her made me forget that we were in a ' relationship'. Cursing myself internally I tried to pay attention to what the interviewer was asking.

" So, Lauren. There's been a lot of controversy about you and Noah Benardout being an item and what not. I don't want to be nosey but a lot of fans are confused." Whoop there it is. Fuck. In my mind I was shouting WE ARE DATING BUT CAMILA WENT AND KISSED ME AND NOW IM SO FUCKING CONFUSED.

" Noah and I are just friends. He's like my best guy friend. The rumors are ridiculous considering I'm dating Camila. So to all you people. The rumors aren't true." Ugh I hate lying.

" Camila? How do you feel about these rumors? Care to comment? " the interview asked Camila. She hesitated to say anything. But soon put on a brave smile.

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