Chapter 5

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The past 12 or 13 years or so, the Council had changed the arrangement for the Reaping. First it was heroes and civilians, then girls and boys, then by age. I glanced around the crowd, finding my friends in the other groups. There weren’t nearly as many heroes as there were civilians. Me and Peter Tristan were the only ones in our group. Then there was Nyssa- the only 17 year old girl in the city. She hadn’t even tried to dress up and she had her arms crossed, tapping her foot.

I saw Allie and her family come over from the neighborhood. Allie was talking to Ren, who I knew was really nervous. It was his first year and he was terrified he’d get picked to be in the Marvel Games. It didn’t surprise me. Most kids his age didn’t make it very long. As Allie split off into her group, we met eyes and she nodded to me.

After another five minutes, the world’s biggest jack-ass stepped up to the podium at the front of the stage. “Welcome everyone to the 22nd annual Marvel Games!” Justin Hammer said, being way too enthusiastic. The rest of the Council sat on the stage behind him. “There’s no point delaying it any longer. Let’s choose this year’s tributes, shall we! I’ll start with the heroes.” He said.

A peacekeeper came over from the side of the stage and handed Hammer an envelope. “Leo Rodgers.” He announced. Leo stepped up to the stage. I kind of saw that coming. It was Leo’s last year to be eligible for the games and he was Captain America’s son. He didn’t show anything on his face, just the same look he gave me before we attacked on a mission.

“Next, Juliet Richards.” Hammer continued. Juliet was only 14. She was the daughter of Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman. She was one of the ones that I didn’t let come on missions. She was about 5 foot and had long straight blonde hair. I knew she had started seeing her parents’ powers in herself, but they weren’t strong enough to give her a big advantage in the games.

“Griffin Black.” Hammer said. Griffin shouldn’t have been considered a hero because his parents never had any powers. They were just S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. He was one of the few of us that lived with his parents all year.

“Andrew Banner.” That name caught my attention. Andrew was the son of Bruce Banner a.k.a. ‘The Hulk’. He was probably the only kid I couldn’t convince to join the rebels. I didn’t know much about him, but I knew we could use a giant green rage monster on our side.

“And lastly, Anthony Stark Jr.” Hammer finished. I walked up to the stage, not meeting the eyes of anyone in the crowd, my hands in my pockets. I knew they would do this. Just when the rebels were strongest, they threw their leader into a death match. I had thought about this day before because I always knew it was coming. It had occurred to me that at least 10 went into that mystery arena and only one came back out. And that one person usually didn’t come out as the same person. All the fighting and blood changed them.

“Now, on to the civilians.” Hammer said after a peacekeeper handed him another envelope. “Ryan Goode.” A boy maybe 15 or 16 paced up to the stage. He had perfectly combed brown hair but he was pretty skinny. Of course I didn’t recognize him because the only kids I knew from the suburbs were Allie and Ren.

“Cassie Youngblood.” Hammer said. A girl with shoulder length dark brown hair about 16 or 17 years old shuffled up to the stage. She was wearing all black and looked like if she had been dressed normally, she would be one of those‘punk’ style girls.

“True Castellan.” The next boy couldn’t have been older than 13. He had messy, blonde hair and pale skin. I glanced over at Allie and by the look on her face, I knew that she knew this boy.

“Ray Bradley.” Hammer went on. Ray was big and muscular with African American skin and black crew cut hair. He looked like he could smash in a tank. Now I was in trouble.

“And Terrance Barton.” My blood ran cold at Allie’s brother’s name. Ren was only 11. He didn’t know how to fight. He wouldn’t last a day in the arena.

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