Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: The Reaping

Allie's Point of View

The day of the Reaping was always stressful. Mum and dad had to dress up, so did Ren and I. It was the one day of the year besides Christmas that I was forced to wear a dress.

This year, it was a red and gold dress that shimmered when I walked.

I hated it.

Walking into the city clutching Ren's hand, having been separated from our parents just like every year, the familiar shaking of fear quaked through my body. I was trying, trying so hard to stay strong. I couldn’t break down now. Not when it was Ren's first year being in the ballot.

His name was in there twice, just like most people.

My name was in there forty-nine times. I'd had to bargain with the peacekeepers for food -not for myself or my family, but for Tony. Sometimes when he got in trouble and he needed to lay low, he ran out of food and I needed to get it for him.

This year had been the worst yet. And I still had two more years to go.

"Allie?" Ren tugged on my arm and held his arms out for a hug. I grabbed him in a tight embrace before we separated. I caught Tony's eye and nodded, hoping he didn't notice the tears shining in my eyes. This might be the last time we ever see each other.

Richard Hammer spoke up and started reading out the tributes, just like every year.

Heroes first.

"Leo Rogers."

"Juliet Richards."

"Griffin Black."

"Andrew Banner."

"And lastly,"

I held my breath, oh god, please. Please don't let it be him.

"Anthony Stark Jr."

I slapped my hand over my mouth to stop myself from screaming that I wanted to volunteer in his place. Even if I yelled it out it wasn't possible. Only heroes could volunteers for heroes and civilians for civilians.

My worst nightmare came true when I stopped shaking, held my head high and tried not to look at Tony.

The civilians were next.

"Ryan Goode."

"Cassie Youngblood."

"True Castellan."

Wait, True? He was only thirteen! He couldn't have been picked! That's insane. I knew him -he lived across the street from me and he often came over for dinner with his parents. He was too sweet to be thrown into the arena. I realised that he might be the first to go.

"Ray Bradley." Hammer continued.

And there it was, the last name being held tightly in an envelope and I found myself praying that it held my name.

I just wanted a few more days with Tony, that was it. A day was all I could ask for. The five minutes before he left for the arena wouldn't be enough, I had too much to say to him.

"Terrence Barton."

My heart sank and I looked over at Ren who was being pulled away by peacekeepers in Hydra uniforms, guns pointed at his back so if he tried to escape he'd die anyway.

I found my feet almost running toward him and the distant cries of my mother telling me to stop moving were echoing around me.

"Ren." I choked out, "Ren, no..."

Finally, I found my voice and I stopped moving. "HEY!"

Everybody turned and looked, including Hammer and Loki and the rest of the Council.

Tony stared down hard at me like he was telling me to shut up.

"RICHARD HAMMER, YOU SLIMEY SON OF A BITCH. I VOLUNTEER." I screamed at him and stood in front of Ren, guarding him from getting up on stage.

"No!" Ren screamed in my ear and I turned around grabbing him in a hug.

"Ren, trust me." I whispered, "Find mum and dad and tell them I love them. I'm so, so sorry."

That last part was loud enough so everyone could hear as I was pulled on stage and thrown at Hammer's feet on my hands and knees.

"Well, well, well." He leaned down to help me up, but I ignored him and stood up by myself, staring him in the eye, hoping he couldn't see my fear. "You'll pay for that little scene later, sweetheart."

"My name is Allie Brown." I hid my last name, hoping he wouldn't notice I was Ren's sister -or Hawkeye's and Estelle Arrowsmith's daughter.

He grabbed my hand and held it up like I'd just won a wrestling match.

"Please welcome our first ever volunteer tribute- ALLIE BROWN."

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