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Allie was so relieved she almost fainted but she kept herself upright for the sake of the people watching. As the hovercraft got a closer, a medical helicopter was ejected from it and it landed at the base of the balcony. A team of three Game medics hopped out of the helicopter and made a beeline for Tony. Allie didn't leave his side the entire way back to the helicarrier. His plan had worked. They were both still alive along with Leo and Andrew. 

THAT NIGHT... (Allie's P.O.V.) I watched the medic wheel Tony down the ramp off the plane. He couldn't walk because of his broken foot and he couldn't use crutches because of his broken wrist. His chest was covered in bandages and glowing in the center was a blue, metal rimmed circle. His sports jacket was open because he hasn't cared enough to put on a shirt under it and the bandages were completely visible. He had an air cast on his right leg that went up to his knee, a traditional plain red hard cast on his right arm up to his elbow (which was hanging in a sling), a brace on his left leg from a torn muscle, stitches on his side where he had a broken rib from when Ray kicked him, stitches on his forehead, and a semi-circle of bandages around his right eye from when Ray knifed him. Other than that he was just bruised up.  But right now I was just glad he was alive. I only needed stitches in  a few places but had a minor conclusion from when I must've hit my head while Ray kidnapped me. It felt weird not having a weapon on me at all times, not having to watch my back. But the feeling washed away entirely when my parents and Ren got out of a Council authorized car parked just outside the small air port. 

  For a second I completely forgot about the fact that Tony was critically injured and I sprinted for them.  "Ren!" I screamed happily and skidded to a halt, grabbing him into a tight, tight hug, "You're here."    "I missed you so much." He said, burying his face in her hug. "Allie! Thank god you're alive." My mom said coming up and hugging me too. "You did a good job out there. You okay?" My dad said, hugging me then taking a step back.   

I didn't want to stop hugging my dad, but I knew he wasn't the biggest fan on affection. I shook my head, I definitely wasn't okay.

 "I'm working on it." I told him honestly before smiling. "I loved your bow by the way." 

  "Yeah I did too. You ready to go home?" He said, just as Tony came up behind me. "Allie, wait. Before you go I just want to say... I'm sorry." He said, looking up at me the same way he did back in the city before the Games.  

"Don't apologise. You don't need to." Allie protested.  

"Yes I do. You did so much for me. And I just can't repay you for it. And I still don't remember like half of our relationship. I'm always going missing and getting into trouble, scaring the crap out of you. You... You deserve better. But I'm not gonna mess up again. Promise." Tony said.  

Allie looked over at her family before pulling Tony a little further away so they couldn't hear her speak. After all she'd been through in the past few weeks, she was still embarrassed to talk about or to Tony in front of her parents. 

"I don't care if you mess up, Tony. I like taking care of you." She paused. "Just don't die on me, or get this bad again, I don't think I could handle that again." She gestured to all his injuries. 

  "I'm not dead yet." Tony said, pulling a small smile,"So what now? We set off a spark and the Council already hates me, but now you're on their radar. What are we gonna do next?"   

Allie sighed, "I don't wanna think about the Council, Tony. I don't wanna think about being on their radar, I need a break from the wars. I need to focus on something else."   

"Like what? What are you going to do without the Council involved?" He said, obviously annoyed by past experience. The Council had been watching Tony's every move his whole life, but the entire country had just watched us win the Marvel Games.   

"I don't know." Allie admitted. "What do normal people do? Travel? Study? Date?"  

"No they take the money and stash it away then never look at it again. But you're not normal. Normal's boring. But traveling... I um... I kinda got some plans." Tony said, not looking at her but instead tapping his fingers on the arc reactor in his chest.   

I frowned at Tony's fingers tapping on his chest before I realised... I was staring at Tony's chest. In front of my parents. I felt my face turn beetroot red, "what plans?" I asked, grabbing his hand that was drumming on his chest so I wouldn't be tempted to keep staring.

    "I'm leaving the district on and off. There are other heroes out there- kids, like Ren. And I have the team and resources. I'm going out to District 14 as soon as I can." He said. The wind picked up like a storm was coming and I could hear thunder way off in the distance. Tony's hair blew in his face and he flicked it out of his eyes.   

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Like always, I understood what he was saying and why he was doing it but it didn't make it any harder to deal with. We'd just gotten out of the worst and longest life or death situation in history and he was leaving? 

"You're leaving me?" I blinked back tears. I needed him right now, but I was being selfish -god, I know how selfish I sounded but for so long I'd been taking care or Ren or taking care of Tony when he was in trouble, or making sure my parents didn't completely fall into a black, bottomless pit of depression. Didn't I deserve something because of that? 

  "Not for a good half a year 'til I can walk again. And I'm not leaving you for good. Not even for a month at a time. Maybe a week at the most. This is something I have to do." Tony said, "The Avengers are still out there. I was the rescue leader of the legion. I still am. And it's my job to find and rescue heroes. We're gonna need more people if we're gonna take out the Council. Speaking of which, I meant to ask you if... I mean I probably shouldn't..." He looked at the ground, not meeting eyes with me. 

  "Tony, I want to be a part of it." I crossed my arms over my chest stubbornly. "And if you need original Avengers I can get my dad involved to." 

  "Not necisarally. Look I... Do you want to come live in Queens? I need trainers and we could really use your medical genius. Your parents would be a big help too. And Ren can finish school there. And there's one other thing. There's this kid that I've been working with. He has a whole list if med problems. I thought maybe you could help me with him." Tony said. He was tapping his foot now and I could tell he hated not being able to walk and move around.    "Of course." I told him. "I'll come with you. But... You and I might wanna talk to my parents about it. You know, over protectiveness and all that." I shrugged before chuckling at him. "You are going to need a killer distraction from not being able to move around."

  "Yeah I know. Just warning you now, it's gonna be driving you crazy for the next six months." He said, smiling smirkishly. "Hazel said my biggest problem was diving blindly into a fight and the only thing she wanted to see me fighting was ADHD and alcoholism." 

  "ADHD I can deal with, a drunk boyfriend, not so much." I smiled before ruffling his hair -which I knew he hated. "When are your parents getting here? Or do you need a ride?" I gestured to the massive car the Council had supplied us with.   

"No, they're not allowed to leave the city. The medics were going to take me over there in the chopper, but sure I'll ride with you guys." Tony said. 

  I smiled and glanced at my dad who was making sure Ren didn't run off and do something stupid in front of the Council and the audience, who were possibly still watching, I wasn't quite sure. 

"Hey dad!" I called over. "Can Tony come home with us? He needs a ride."  I could pretty much see my dad about to refuse when suddenly my mum jumped in.  "Sure!" She called back. My dad flicked her in the shoulder and she winked at him. What the hell was that? I hadn't seen then that flirty together in... Ever. 

  "That was weird, it's not just me right?" I asked Tony.    "Nah. You're going insane." Tony joked, giving me that smile again. I flicked him behind the ear and we started back to the car.

Back home.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

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