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If you guys think this is a big ending, wait til you all see book 2! 


"Tony?" Allie whispered looking up at all the destruction, "Tony!"  Andrew groaned and pulled himself up from underneath a little bit of debris and rubble, Leo wasn't moving but she was more concerned about Tony right now.   

Allie bolted upright and started to pull the armour off of Tony, it was still hot and it was buring her hands, but Tony's chest as worse. It had burned right through his shirt.  "Tony!? Can you hear me?" She asked desperately as she go the last of the badly affected armour off him.

  "Ouch. Yep that REALLY hurt. I'm gonna feel that tomorrow. My chest is on FIRE." He said, not opening his eyes, but breathing. He skin on his chest was burned totally off in some places and it was hard to look at. This was one even Allie couldn't fix. They would need serious medical help. Blood started to well from wounds riddling his chest- pieces of metal embedded in his body.    "Feel it tomorrow, you're going to be feeling this for the rest of your life if we don't get you help." Allie was about to cry in distress, she knew he was either going to bleed out slowly or infection would set in unless he got help.  "We need the plan, and we need it now." She told him quietly. "I don't even know how Leo is right know."   

Despite how much pain he was in, Tony got to his feet. "Alright, screw the original plan. We're diving in head first this time." Tony said, holding up his hands to reveal an array of lasers that could slice them all in half in seconds. "We either all die or we all win." He yelled as loud as he could, making it very clear that the lasers were fully prepped. He turned back to Allie, "They rigged a virus in the armor. The game makers blew it up. How am I not dead? Really, I should be dead right now." Tony said.  

"And you will be if you let those lasers off!" Allie exclaimed. "What are you doing?" 

"Have you lost your freaking mind?" Andrew yelled.  

"This was the PLAN. Or you know we can go with the alternative just fight each other." Tony said, "Your choice." His chest was still dripping with blood and he winced, wiping some of it off the burns. "It would be nice if you guys would hurry up."   

"What about Leo?" Allie asked. "I don't even know how he is and I can't get his helmet off. Just hold off for a minute, please?"  

"Make it quick because I think I'm gonna pass out or start hallucinating and seeing rabid squirrels or something." Tony said, flicking drops of blood of his hands. Andrew was pacing around inhaling and exhaling, his eyes flashing on and off green. And Leo layed motionless at the edge of the balcony.  

  "Leo?" Allie knelt down beside him and pulled him further onto the balcony so that he wouldn't fall off. She clawed at the edges of his helmet until it finally came loose and slide off his head. I was so damaged from the fight that she threw it away immediately. 

"Hey, Leo, you alright?" She asked.   "Yeah but I really don't deserve to be." He said after a few moments of utter silence before he caught his breath. 

  "Hey, don't say that." Allie protested. "I understand what happened, I would have done the same thing. You felt weak and dominated, and you were thinking about your sister."   

"But that doesn't mean I take back what I said. I should be the one with the shredded chest and the broken foot. Tony didn't do anything to me. But I still don't take back what I said." Leo said, getting up.   "That's okay, you have your views." Allie tried to calm him down. "Just... Lets get out of here, alright?"  

"You sure about this?" He said as they paced up to Tony and Andrew. "Yeah. Just... Be ready to die. No promises. And guys," Tony addressed all of them now, "if this is our last mission together... It was a good run. And no matter what happens, remember: we're about to change the course of history."  

 Hooray?" Allie said shaking her hands in mock celebration.  

"Don't celebrate yet, beautiful." Tony said,"Alright, who would like to do the honors of telling the entire country that we're about to commit suicide?"    Allie blushed when he called her beautiful -he almost never gave her compliments like that. 

"Can I do it?" She asked looking at Andrew who shrugged and Leo who nodded. Her eyes rested on Tony for an answer.  

"It's all yours. I can't do anymore yelling or my lungs might make a surprise appearance." Tony said. It was pretty obvious to Allie that he was really fighting to keep his cool. Just the look in his blue eyes showed her how much pain he was in. That he was fighting to stay on his feet and go through with the plan. If they didn't do this fast, he might not be able to do it at all.  

"Alright." Allie cracked her knuckles, just for effect. "In one minute, my boyfriend here is gonna let a whole bunch of lasers loose and they have DNA tracking, so even if we run, we're screwed anyway.  If you don't want us to be martyrs, if you don't want to have a victor this year, then let it happen! We're more than prepared!" 

Allie started counting down the seconds... Sixty... Fifty nine, fifty eight, fifty seven, fifty six, fifty five, fifty four....   ... Ten... Nine... Eight... Seven... Six... Five... Four... "Attention tributes! A negotiation has been made... Congratulations to the victors of the 22nd annual Marvel Games." The game maker's voice blasted through the arena and a few moments later, a hovercraft became visible in the digital sky. They won.

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