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The thoughts had always been present in Mark's head. Especially, they started to take over him after the accident. They were thoughts about what was coming, about how much he had to suffer in his life, or about what happened in his life because enough things happened in Flynn's life and a lot he suffered too. Yes, he definitely suffered too much in his life, but Mark hadn't ever complained about this. That's why only a few of his friends knew his real story and that he wasn't that playboy or that rich boy everybody thought he was. At the same time, Flynn didn't have a life with no worries or problems as many of those who knew him or had contact with him in one way or another described him.

Actually, Mark wasn't the kind of person who complained to others about how cruel and difficult could be this life. He could smile in front of his problems instead as he had always done since his mother passed away, whom he lost when he was only five because of cancer. He could jokingly tell others that he was a poor guy with money because his soul was poor, and Mark said such jokes when he received from life more slaps than caresses and met thorns in his way toward the future. Because of this, he could close inside for a long time, thinking about everything that happened and wondering „Has this been my fault for what happened or is this just another test fate puts in front of me to see if I'm worthy to succeed or I'm just a poor soul that passes through life?!"

Mark hadn't ever found an answer to such questions: neither from life nor from his friends, whom he had often asked, like a joke only, what they would have done if they had been in one situation or another. Mark even got to describe those situations in detail, supporting his idea as being just thoughts he had because he wanted to write a book. Thus, he hadn't ever let others understand that the main character of those stories was he in fact. And he wasn't an adult character in those stories but a child because Flynn had always suffered in his childhood when he'd been left alone in many cases without others caring about his pain. A loneliness that he had often felt painfully biting his throat just to let him know that he wouldn't ever get rid of it. Even so, stubborn by nature, Flynn had told himself that he wouldn't be defeated or knocked down by a damn loneliness. That's why he had always fought tooth and nail with it, clinging to life. Thus, he got to get rid of loneliness while being among friends, those he was always looking for because he knew that this was his only chance not to be alone with those thoughts that slowly but surely devoured him inside.

Because of the same loneliness and thoughts Mark got to understand Kate very well. He didn't do that because of what she had told them about her or something she had deliberately done, but simply by looking into her eyes. Flynn saw a sea of sadness there, the same sadness he often saw in his eyes when he was still a child. Mark had seen the same sadness even when he was a teenager. Even so, he hadn't ever been able to understand why he didn't have the right to be loved and why he was the only one left behind when everything he needed was a family.

The family he needed Mark had found soon after going to primary school and made friends with Alex. Actually, he had known Doyle since always because he had seen him before at dinners and family parties, once their parents were friends. Nevertheless, they hadn't ever talked to each other or been close. The reason? Mark considered that Alex was a freak because Doyle had definitely been a weirdo while being a child, preferring to be alone instead of being surrounded by friends. Thus, he was the opposite of Flynn, who ran as far as he could from that painful and toothy loneliness while Alex did everything to look for it.

With Erin instead happened the contrary because, even if she was a few years older than them, Mark still found her beautiful, although he was still very young at that time. Mark found her beautiful because of her blue eyes and her blond hair, which fell over her back like beautiful curls that she often grabbed to the back of her head with a ribbon. A black ribbon that Mark had often seen in his teenage years when he started to dream about pure love, mutual love, and not a platonic one as Erin had often let him know that his love for her could only be.

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