Chapter 26: Sending the Messengers

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In the Rainbow City in the Silk Province in the Star Kingdom, Mohammad Azzumurrud, the Arab and Muslim Koran memorizer, has completed the knowledge sharing sessions held at the Merlin School with his twenty Chinese friends (Yueliang Jian, Taiyang Jian, Junjie Song, Liling Heng, Mei Shun, Ji Biming, An Bo, Chang Dequan, Cong Fai, Jiang Qi, Wen Yu, Zhong Ming, Guotin Chuanli, Baozhai Aiguo, Chyou Bolin, Daiyu Chaoxiang, Fen Huizhong, Ju Jianyu, Nuo Park and Shu Qianfan). After Mohammad did his best to familiarize his friends with the Arabic and Islamic civilization, he invited them again to embrace Islam in the following conversation:

Mohammad: Dear beloved friends, I want to invite you again to embrace Islam. Please embrace Islam immediately so that you will be salvaged from Hellfire and enter Paradise safely in the Hereafter on the Day of Judgment. By rejecting Islam, you are taking the greatest risk ever which is punishment in Hellfire in the Hereafter on the Day of Judgment. I provided you with some arguments that support Islam. However, as an Arab and Muslim Koran memorizer, I need no proof or arguments to be convinced that Islam is the only true religion of Allah because the miracle of the Holy Koran lives in my heart and I witness it everyday when reciting the noble verses of the Holy Koran. I know certainly by nature that the Holy Koran cannot but be the Speech of Allah. The Holy Koran is miraculous in eloquence and no human or other creature can produce it. The Holy Koran can only be the Speech of Allah, our Creator. If you believe me and have faith in me, you can embrace Islam based purely on my claim about the miraculous nature of the Holy Koran. You friends Huang Lok (Yueliang), Xiuying Lok (Taiyang), Dingbang Lok (Junjie), Liling Heng and Mei Shun have already embraced Islam. Will the rest of you convert to Islam as well? Please accept my sincere advice and embrace Islam. I am truthful and Islam is the religion of Truth.

Shu: Mohammad, I believe you and I know that you are truthful. Why should I live in the darkness when I can live in the light. I realized based on your lectures and ethics that Islam is the only true religion of Allah. I bear witness that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

Mohammad: I am extremely happy to see you, Shu, embracing Islam. Congratulations for being a Muslim. This is the best day in your life.

Shu: Thank you, Mohammad, for guiding me to the Truth. I am indebted to you for the rest of my life.

Mohammad: It is my pleasure. I should thank you for your pure heart that accepted the Truth.

Ji: Mohammad, I also realized that Islam is the only true religion of Allah. Why should I live in ignorance when I can live in true knowledge. The precious knowledge you shared with us clearly chimes with logic and common sense. I bear witness that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

Nuo: Mohammad, your words are a panacea. Why should I prefer an inferior religion to the superior religion? Islam cannot but be true. I bear witness that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

An: Mohammad, Islam provides us with complete knowledge about life and our mission in it. I bear witness that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

Ju: Mohammad, based on the three arguments you presented previously in support of Islam, it was really convincing to see that not only logic stands with Islam, but also the universe and statistics. I bear witness that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

Chang: Mohammad, I know by my heart and mind that you cannot be a liar. I trust you and I feel the beauty and majesty of Islam. I bear witness that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

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