Chapter 29

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"Well, today feels like an ominous day. We must prepare for the worst case scenario, that there will be trouble today. I had classes cancelled and put the Sun Dorms on lockdown. No regular student is allowed in or out of the building." Kaien explains to the group of hunters and Yuki. 

"Well, that makes things easier, I knew she would bring trouble eventually." Kaito says with a sigh which gets him identical glares from Zero and Ichiru. He ignores them and keeps his attention ahead towards Kaien.

"Yes, well that is rather unfortunate that her father has found her, but there is nothing more to do about it. Now we must think about the future, my precious students and children must all be protected from this danger. We must end this danger quickly, or we could get some serious attention that could be hard to cover." Kaien mentions to the group. 

"This is going to be a Kasumioji versus Kasumioji, I doubt we can be subtle or quick about it. One of them is an ancient tyrant who has been in wars of the past and the other is a baby princess with no battle experience." Yagari mentions as the voice of reason as well as bearer of unwanted information. 

"She may not have that much battle experience, but she's not fighting alone. If the Night Class is helping her, they will have many people with a lot of battle experience, and it's not like there isn't another pureblood there to make things equal." Zero mentions, trying to bring some hope to the situation.

"H-he's right, Kaname-senpai will help Alondra-senpai. The other senpai will as well. They are all strong and we're here too. We will help!" Yuki says as she finds her voice and supports Zero. Kaien smiles a bit at the two teens he considers his children and nods.

"Yes, that's right. But, Yuki, I have a different task for you. We must be prepared for anything. Will you listen to father's request?" Yuki looks at Kaien confused, but nods her head. He also nods and looks at her seriously, treating her like a fellow hunter, but also a protective father. "Yuki, I want you to go to the Sun Dorms and stay there, make sure there are no sneak attacks to the humans in our school. Can I trust you with that?" 

"By my... No, never mind. Yes, I can do it! I will protect Yori and the others!" She puts her hand over towards her Artemis rod that rests on a holster under her skirt. Kaien nods and glances over at Yagari.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll go with her too. I seriously doubt this shrimp can protect the three buildings on her own. Kaito, you're on the front lines. Only kill the enemies, got it?" Yagari warns Kaito who sighs, but nods his head. In spite of the attitude, he would never disobey the sensei that he respects so much.

"Got it, I'll only kill the enemy." He responds to him. Kaien feels content at the planning for them and finally casts his glance over at the twins who look like they already know what they want to do. He smiles in concern for them, but knows they are strong enough to handle what will come their way.

"Zero, Ichiru, you two do your best and protect Alondra-chan, but also keep each other safe. I don't want to lose anyone today. Not like this." Kaien pleads with the twins. They nod their heads at him, reassuring the older man. "Thank you, stay safe everyone. We will all be facing some trouble soon." Kaien rises from his seat, removing his oversized jacket and scarf. He removes his glasses and walks over to a tall safe, taking out a sheathed sword from it.

"Oh, so even you will be involved in the fighting. You must be pretty rusty after lounging around for so long." Yagari mentions as he watches Kaien look over his serrated blade. Yuki looks shocked at the father she thought she knew all along.

"Headmaster?" She questions softly.

"Yuki, I'm sorry you had to find out in such a situation. I too am a vampire hunter. Though, I retired a decade or so ago. I'll be alright, once we make it out of this... I think there's some things that we need to talk about." He tells her, Yuki nods her head. She's unsure of what that could be, but knows she wants to listen to him.

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