Chapter 34

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Yoru walks over to the Headmaster's building and knocks on the front door. He's greeted by a cheerful Headmaster, but he doesn't respond the same. Yoru looks at the Headmaster and then sighs.

"Headmaster Cross, there is no purpose for me here. . . I would like to drop out of Cross Academy." He tells him, surprising Kaien Cross greatly.

"Are you not Ally-chan's guard?" He questions Yoru who smiles, but there is no real feeling behind it.

"Not anymore, she has people more precious that will protect her. . . far better than I ever could." Yoru tells him and Kaien puts a hand to his chin.

"But will you run away without telling Ally-chan anything? She's fairly dense, but she still sees you as a valuable friend. She will hunt you down and demand answers, so you'd better speak to her about your choice." Kaien tells Yoru who had looked down at his feet the whole time. He nods his head and walks off with Kaien Cross looking after him worriedly.

He stops right outside the gate of the Day Class building as he runs into Maxwell and Estella, they look out of the gates, like as if they were watching someone leave. He stops in his tracks and bows his lower body to them when he catches their attention. Yoru jumps as two small hands go to his shoulders and push him back up to an upright position.

"Yoru, wasn't it?" Estella questions Yoru who nods at Estella. She smiles and gives his shoulders a light squeeze.

"Thank you for protecting our daughter for so long. We are truly grateful." Estella says to Yoru who gives her a polite smile.

"Is Alondra-sama, with you? I need to speak to her about something important." Yoru tells Estella who shakes her head.

"She's with Zero-kun. I'm sure they will be back soon." Estella tells Yoru who nods his head and tries to keep his emotions hidden. He doesn't want to displease anybody with what he feels are his useless and unnecessary feelings. "Now, it looks like you're trying to run away too. I already convinced one young man to be honest, now it's your turn." Estella says with a kind smile. 

"Ah, I won't run away, my lady. I promise to speak with Alondra-sama and let her know what I plan to do." Yoru promises. "Let me accompany you both back to the Headmaster then. How did you get here?" 

"Oh, Ichiru-kun kindly brought us here and ran to go and take care of some stuff. But please do! I'm looking forward to seeing him again!" Estella says happily as she walks after Yoru, she take's Maxwell's arm and they follow him.

They knock at the door and Kaien comes to answer, he's surprised to see Yoru again, but is even more shocked when he looks at the pair he met as a child that began to show him a new world of vampires. Even if he had blocked away those memories for a long while until he met Juuri Kuran. 

"Oh, look at you! You've grown so scraggly but also somewhere under those messy clothes is a handsome young man!" Estella smiles brightly as she holds his face and squishes his cheeks. Kaien becomes flustered, now he's the one being treated like a child and is being given sudden affection.

"E-Estella-san?! Maxwell-san?! How?! I thought..." Kaien takes her hand and looks them over, they are alive and well.

"Hmm, our father had us in coffins for a very long time, our daughter rescued us and introduced us to this new world. Now that he's dead, someone has to take the throne, and I don't think Alondra is prepared for such a thing. She deserves to live a happy life, away from all this vampire politics." Maxwell explains to him, like it explains everything. Kaien, becomes pensive and invites them in.

"So, what is the plan then?" Kaien questions concerned.

"We will get the word out, that we are awakened from our slumber and will be taking control. This is something only we can do as we prepare Alondra to someday take on our role. Anything could happen if the purebloods try to rise up and try to dethrone us, so she must always be prepared. That is the curse of the Kasumioji." The new king explains to Kaien who listens intently to them, agreeing that it has to be done.

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