Chapter 12

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"Neh, neh, Yoru! Yoru!" The blue haired teen jumps out of his thoughts as Alondra waves her hands in front of his face.

"What?" He questions looking at the pouting brunette.

"C'mon! It's break time and we have to meet up with Zero and Ichiru!" She whispers to him, not wanting any of the Night Class students to hear, especially Kira Hio.

Yoru sighs, and leads Alondra out of the classroom to go met up with the Kiryu twins. She gets impatient like usual and skips ahead of Yoru, following their presence until they reach the water fountain. Alondra's eyes open wide at the sight, and she happily runs her fingers through the cool water. She just bypasses Zero and Ichiru as her attention is stolen by the fountain.

"Nice to see you too, Alondra." Ichiru says with a sigh. Alondra blushes, and looks back at them.

"S-sorry, how are you, Ichiru, Zero?" She questions them. They roll their eyes at the flustered girl and tap her forehead at the same time. She puffs her cheeks, and rubs at her forehead.

"All the time." She mumbles, and then sits down. She can't help but remember the forehead jabs she has received through her life. It's not that she even has a pronounced forehead, people just seem to aim for it no matter what. She has thought about getting bangs to cover it up and maybe discourage people from touching it.

 "How did you hold up in class?" Ichiru questions Alondra as her wandering thoughts are interrupted again, who keeps her eyes towards the ground, like it's the most interesting thing in the world.

"I-I was okay. I guess. Yoru stood beside me. I had to sit between Kira and Kaname though. That is something I did not like at all. Even though he wasn't looking at me, I could just feel his gaze on me. Like he wanted to devour me." Alondra tells them with a shiver. Wrapping her arms around herself. She knows just how much he desires her power and would devour her for it.

"Alondra, what did he do to you?" Zero questions her, finally wanting to hear from her. He doesn't want to make anymore assumptions. Alondra cringes, and drops her head to her hands, shaking her head. Zero sits beside her, putting a hand to her shoulder.

"I'm sorry, you don't have to talk about it." He says to her, worry obvious in his voice. He greatly regrets having had asked her to go back and remember her past.

"N-no, I-I have to tell. . .I have to." Alondra says moving her hands away from her mouth, but not her eyes. She wants to visualize it all and tell them what he is capable of. That she is only an object to him, one that will be used to further the dark purpose of the Hio clan.

"Y-Yoru wasn't with me because Otousama didn't want him to come with me. H-he had to show Riku Hio, Kira's and Shizuka's father, that he "trusted" him." She tells them, still calm. "It was supposed to be just a casual visit for the adults to talk and for Kira and I to talk and get to know each other. For me to come to terms that he had become my fiancé." She mutters, her voice starting to quiver.

Alondra looks at the door in front of her, one she has never seen before. It doesn't feel like freedom either, she still feels trapped. She comes back to reality as the door is opened to the outside world.

"This door leads to the back gardens, Alondra-san. You might enjoy a bit of fresh air and the gardens are still rather beautiful, and the roses recently bloomed." Kira explains to her, putting a hand to the small of her back as she steps out. She looks around the beautiful garden and smiles a bit at the sight of the flowers.

"Strange, I thought your family would be more interested in cherry blossoms." Alondra mentions this softly, she can't help but remember the crying face of Shizuka Hio. She figured she would see her, but it's like no one wants to bring her up. "Shizuka-"

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