Chapter 16

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Alondra startles awake at a knock at her door. She yawns and stretches before wrapping her blanket around her and going to her door. She stumbles her way over to it, unable to find her slippers, she just goes barefoot.

"What?" She questions opening the door with half open eyes that are threatening to close at any moment. She gives a heavy yawn as she tries to focus her blurry gaze on the person at her door.

"Alondra-sama it's time to get ready for classes." Yoru says, and Alondra recognizes his voice, but it seems a lot colder and distant than usual. She rubs her eyes and looks up at his blank gaze. She frowns a bit in concern at his sudden change in behavior. She wonders if it's because of Zero's transfer to the Night Class.

"Yeah, okay, Sassy Pants." She says and turns back into her room and closes her door. She yawns again and grabs her stuff, heading into the bathroom to ready herself up for the night.

She smiles at her reflection and pats down her short hair happily as she finally steps out of the bathroom, ready to go to class. She picks up her shoes and puts them on in a rush and steps out of her dorm, closing the door behind her. She locks it before turning to face Yoru properly.

"Ready to go, Yoru." She says with a smile, and he doesn't return it as he turns away from her and leads the way down to the others. Alondra arches an eyebrow at his attitude, but then perks up as she sees Zero at the top of the steps. Although, he doesn't seem comfortable in his new uniform.

"Hey, Zero." Alondra says to him and he looks up from his uniform full of buttons, his gaze softens as he looks at her. He smiles a bit and follows right next to her as they head down the steps.

The chattering students go silent as they see Zero. They're all shocked to see him in a Night Class uniform, well except Kaname and Kira. They look at him with regular cold gazes of distrust.

"Well, looks like you decided to join us, eh, Zero Kiryu? Have you finally given in to your real nature?" Aido says as he looks at the glaring vampire hunter. He flinches a bit and backs up into the crowd. Some are genuinely stunned to just now learn that Zero is also a vampire. He had been in the Day Class all along among the humans and no one ever said anything.

"You had better stay away from Kaname-sama." Ruka Souen says as she glares at Zero, not intimidated by his glare as much as Aido. She's ready to face him head on, but he pays her threats no mind. Alondra has noticed for the first time that no one in the Night Class likes Zero. It also appears that the feeling is mutual.

"I have no interest in him. It's none of your concern why I'm here." Zero answers coldly as that cold gaze travels towards Kira's own hard gaze. Alondra gulps as she tries her best not to hold on to Zero for safety. Yoru continues to blankly look ahead as if nothing is happening at the moment.

"Everyone, Kiryu-kun is a fellow Night Class student, so lets just leave him be. He'll behave." Kaname Kuran says with a fake smile as he calms down the defensive students. They all reluctantly back down and look towards their dorm head.

"Now, lets all get to class." Kaname says and the students all get into place. Alondra reluctantly standing between Kira and Kaname as she holds on to herself, wanting to make herself smaller and get away from being so close to Kira. She feels a gentle hand go to her shoulder, and she looks back at Zero who stands behind her with Yoru right next to him. She smiles at them and feels less afraid walking next to them.

"Oh." Alondra says surprised as she sees Ichiru at the front gate, wearing a prefect badge. Even Zero is stunned to see that his brother is now a guardian. He, just like his brother, holds back the girls while Yuki is hardly trying as she looks at Zero sadly and worried for his safety in the Night Class since she knows he doesn't get along with them.

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