Chapter 32

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"Its been two days and Alondra-sama hasn't woken up. I can't imagine the amount of damage she sustained." Amelia says as she sits beside Alondra's bed with Zero, Ichiru, Yoru, and Kira there as well. They watch the sleeping princess and wonder as well when she will open her eyes. It seems very quiet with the young girl unconscious.

"Her grandfather is dead, I think now may be the time to awaken her parents from their slumber." Kira says and the group looks over at him confused. He keeps staring at Alondra and sighs a bit.

"Okaasama was killed by Alondra's grandfather. He wanted her because of her beauty, but she loved Otousama and wouldn't give in to him so he killed her. Of course he used a group of hunters to kill her, but Otousama discovered the truth. So, he did all he could to gain his favor and trust just to get closer and avenge Okaasama. He wouldn't have been able to kill him on his own, so he wanted Alondra to do it by setting up this engagement between she and I. He wanted me to gain her trust and affection to get to do as we wanted. Things didn't go as planned, but now both of them are dead. They got off too easily." Kira tells them.

"What do you mean about her parents?" Yoru questions Kira who casts his pale pink eyes over towards the blue haired man.

"They've been asleep for a couple hundred years, of course it was induced by force and nobody could get to them because of Alondra's grandfather. But now that he's gone, she should be able to wake them up." Kira says to him.

"Take me." The guys all jump and look over at Alondra who is still lying in bed but looking at Kira with a pleading gaze.

"Alright, tomorrow night I'll show you where they're at, but today you need to recuperate. You've been asleep for the last two days." Kira tells Alondra who sighs and nods her head. She puts a hand to her eyes and the men see her fangs protrude from her mouth. They look to Zero and Ichiru and both becomes slightly confused at their gazes on them.

"Zero, Ichiru, I need your blood." Alondra says as she casts her crimson eyes towards them. He looks at her for a moment before they slowly walk over towards her and sits on the bed. Alondra carefully sits up, but she doesn't have enough strength and starts to fall back. Ichiru grabs her arm and helps her sit upright completely.

"Take it easy, we'll come to-" Alondra pulls Ichiru against her, holding him in her arms as she bites into his neck, drinking his blood with no hesitation. He's unprepared for the suddenness of everything. He lies on her lap, completely confused. He looks up as she pulls Zero towards her as well and drinks his blood.

"Huh?" Both twins end up with their heads on either side of her lap, looking up at the ceiling. Alondra cleans herself up, feeling her energy returning to herself now that she's had the filling blood of the Kiryu twins. 

"Sorry, it's been two days and you two are the only ones that could have filled me with so little blood." Alondra blushes as she remembers the significance of that. Zero and Ichiru look over at her confused, they can't help but find her blushing expression so cute.

"What does that even mean?" Zero asks, not fully comprehending his own vampire nature since he held it back for so long. Ichiru smiles as he seems to realize the significance of her satisfied hunger. Alondra shakes her head, not feeling it is the right time for that to be exposed to him right now. 

"Wait! Two days, what happened?! How did all the fighting end?! Oh! Amy-chan! Kira! You're both here!" Alondra's thoughts are all over the place and she can't focus herself on the moment. Amelia steps up and helps calm down the pureblood. Alondra nods her head, letting herself calm down. 

"Thanks, Alondra-sama..." Yoru says with a sigh. She apologizes to him and works on calming down her brain.

"Okay, very good, Alondra-sama. Yes, you and Kira-sama both took care of the harm your fathers wanted... well your grandfather and his father wanted to cause to this place." Amelia explains to her. Alondra looks over at Kira surprised, he doesn't look at her as he stands by the doorway. 

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