Chapter 25

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Kira becomes curious as the scent of blood seeps through the air. Even Riku had to pause in what he was saying as he too smelled the blood. It passes by the study, and then becomes distant, but doesn't leave. Kira becomes worried as the scent of unfamiliar blood mixes with Alondra's blood.

"Otousama, I understand. But, I won't keep doing it your way. I'm... I'm done being your pawn and executing your plan to use the Kasumioji's princess to bring down the cruel king. I refuse to keep hurting Alondra and making her fear me. Because I know, Okaasama would hate to watch me hurt the woman I love." Riku's eyes turn crimson as his son defies him. Like he has forgotten what he can do.

"Sakura... Sakura would want this. The Kasumioji are the cause of her death! She would want us to-"

"You're wrong! Hunters killed her because she wanted to protect fellow vampires! Don't act like you didn't know her! She never would want us to bring harm and hurt anyone! I think you're the one who didn't know her at all-" Kira is sent flying back by a vine that slams him against the door. It pins him there, crushing down his arms and chest. 

Riku stands before him, glaring into his son's eyes. Kira clenches his hands and meets his gaze. He no longer feels afraid nor does he dare to look away. 

"You have no idea how close Sakura and I were! She didn't live long enough for you to know her at all! She was my twin, we were together from the very first day!" Kira's own repressed anger flares, the resentment he feels towards Riku who has never once been a father to him flares up. The one who never once showed an ounce of care for him.

"She was my mother! It hurts me too! I only knew her for so little of my life, but I do know she was a kind and beautiful woman! But she was afraid... she was afraid of the man she loved and didn't have the strength in her heart to protect her children! You're a monster! I-I don't want to fall into that horrible place with you!" He yells at him with all the pain he has held in his heart. 

Riku stares at Kira, watching as a semblance of Sakura comes through. He steps back, grabbing on to Kira's shirt as the vines disappear through the cracks of where they had originated from. He throws him behind him on the floor and walks out of the study. Kira gets up and follows to see where his father goes, he leaves the manor. No words and not a single glance back. 

He knows that won't be the last time he sees him. He walks out of the study and looks towards the broken window. He looks out to see a mess of plants and clothes had ruined the front yard, he looks back to see blood splatters on the floor leading upstairs.

"I've stopped the bleeding, but he lost a lot of blood. I don't know if he'll make it." Amelia says to the group making Zero tense up and Alondra look at her with wide eyes.

"You can't be serious!" Alondra yells out in disbelief, tears pooling at her eyes. Amelia looks at her regretfully and nods her head.

"I'm very serious, Alondra-sama. He needs blood, but since he's not a vampire he can't just drink it to replenish." Amelia tells them sadly. Alondra shakes hear head in disbelief and looks at Ichiru with concern.

"He needs to go to a hospital, that's the best way to give him the blood he needs. But I don't think we have enough time to get him there." Amelia says sadly. Alondra tears up and grabs her arms desperately.

"There must be something we can do for him!" Alondra yells out desperately at her and Amelia shakes her head sadly. Alondra covers her face and drops to her knees, feeling helpless.

"Don't. . .cry." Alondra gasps and turns around to look at Ichiru. He looks at her weakly, dark circles developing under his dull lilac-gray eyes. She rushes over to his side and looks over at him with tears streaming down her eyes.

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