It's a beautiful Sunday early morning in Santa Barbara, California. Charlie and Amelia "Amie" standing at the floral arc together with the Reverend exchange their matrimonial vow to each other by the beach witness by their families and a few selected guests. It's a simple and beautiful beach wedding nothing fancy nor glamorous but still shows class and elegance.
Amie is taking a deep breath and feels butterlies in her tummy.
Patricia looks at Amie. "Just breath in and breath out."
CJ as one of Amie's bride's maid walk to the aisle and stays beside Ken.
Ken looks at CJ. "You look stunning, Catherine."
CJ chuckles. "Yeah right. Let's get it done and get it over with." Clings to Ken's arm as the quartet starts playing a wedding song.
Ken smiles. "You do look incredibly beautiful, Catherine."
CJ looks at Ken. "Thanks. You look dashingly handsome too, Kenneth Bowers."
Ken smirks.
Charlie blows some air.
David smiles and pats Charlie's back. "You got this, bro."
"This is it, no more turning back,"says Charlie.
Celina, Shelley, Regina and Patricia couldn't contain their happiness for their friend. After the newly wed shared their first kiss, they all approach the beautiful bride and give her a warm group hug.
"I couldn't believe that the woman whom I used to date is now happily married." Clifford says.
Nicole spanks her cousin's arm. "Are you even serious? You don't like women!"
"Hey, just an FYI Nicky before I came out as part of the LGBTQ+ community, I was once a guy and I dated Amie." Clifford shared.
"What the?! For real?!" Nicole feels in disbelief.
Clifford laughs. "I'm just joking!"
Lorraine glances at Claire.
The wedding reception was held at the huge garden villa by the beach.
People are enjoying the food, some are dancing while a live band is performing love songs for the newly wed.
David walks to Amie and asks her for a dance.
Claire looks at her ex-boyfriend and starting to think of the what ifs.
CJ goes back to her seat. "You look like you're not enjoying the party?"
"I'm just tired." Nicole answered and sighs.
CJ softly nudges Nicole's arm and teases her friend. "What were you doing late last night huh?"
Nicole looks at her friend and gives her a small smile. "It's not what you think, Cej."
David is supposed to go back to his seat after dancing with Amie but to his surprise Claire goes to him and holds his arm.
"A dance wouldn't hurt right?" Claire says.
David glances at Lorraine and then looks at Claire.
Claire slips her arms on David's nape. "How are you, David? Are you trying to avoid me?"
David frowns and looks at Claire. "Well to answer your questions. I am perfectly fine and why would I avoid you?"

The Mystery of Us (You and Me Against the World)
RomanceI don't know when I start noticing you. I don't know if I should let you in. For me you're just a friend but what if I want more than that. What do I need to do so I can stop myself from falling in love with you. Am I doing the right thing? Are you...