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"You wanted to see me Mr.Flimings" I asked

"Yes Clair, come in please!" He gestured with a smile that i returned before sitting in the black chair in front of him, the desk was the only thing separating us.

" You may wonder why i wanted to see you, well i want to talk to you about the project" he explained.

"What about it, is there any problem?" I asked confused and worried at once.

"No there is no problem, actually i just wanted to ask you, are these your own words, expressions and sentences!?" He asked. Could this be good?

" Yes, i took the idea from the book and form it with my own words" i decided to be honest wether it's going to the good or bad side.

"Well can you write a short love story involving the vampire myth you wrote about in the project?" He asked and it seemed like another homework

"Yes, i can do this, when am i supposed to hand it over?" I asked.

"Tomorrow if possible, i need it as soon as you can!" He said and i nodded guess i have a long night waiting for me.

" Excuse me sir, but i have a class now i need to go" i asked for permission

"You may go, see you tomorrow" he dismissed me, and i exited the office

I wonder what would Damon's comment be if he sees me this polite.

Wait! What am i thinking, why would i ever want to know his reaction, why didn't i wonder about what would Tyler, Elena, or Matt say? Why him?

I exited the uni after two hours, getting a lift back home from Alicia, we said goodbye and she soon left saying she has a lot of work to do...

I sighed drying my wet hair, as soon as i got home, i took a relaxing shower, putting on some comfortable clothes i headed to the kitchen, did a cup of tea and soon begun working on my story.

When i was finished it was 22:30 i didn't take long in it, i don't know why but words kept flowing to my brain without thinking it much and i was happy for that.

So i went to bed, bed sweet bed, i love you, i tried to sleep but couldn't, my mind kept me awake thinking about Damon, yes the one and only Damon Salvatore

Does he know i'm the girl from the conference party? And if he ever knew why wouldn't he tell me? Did he get disappointed when he knew who i really am?
What if that kiss meant nothing to him? Wait did it mean something to me? Ugh what am i going to do? Am i going to tell him about it or am i going to just shut my mouth and live my life like nothing happened and do i really want him to know it's me?

I mean what if i tell him what would happen then would he reject me, or what would his reaction be? And do i care?

One thing i'm sure about

I'm made a mess.

After what seemed like a century, my mind gave up to tiredness and soon i was in a deep sleep.

One day after:

"Alice if you don't stop i will very much trow up on you right about now!" I exclaimed, Alicia was rambling about her night with her boyfriend, at the top of the morning, like seriously, that is so disgusting!

"Miss Clair Michaelson is needed by Professor Flimings, please head to the office!" The women announced in the speakers through the whole university and believe me it's huge.

Ugh why would they do that!?

At least i'll be away from the horny teenager aka Alicia. I said goodbye to her and headed to the office

At the office:

"Come again!!? I mean i-i'm sorry" i was actually rambling in front of the professor, you can't blame me!
"Yes, Miss Michaelson, you may be surprised, but it's not just my opinion, many other professors agreed with me when i showed them your work, basically we decided to take you to the next level.

You just need to sigh some papers. I really like your work, i mean the idea! You know how to choose the right book, and you know what to pick from the the book, you seem to know exactly the information you need, and the important part, you have the right words, you have a talent Clair, you know how to describe something, you can go really deep in it or you can be simple but still you can make the reader feel what they read, sadness, love, happiness, anything" he explained and i nodded for him to continue and that's what he did
"So you are going to follow a whole new program, different from other students, it will be a three months long, maybe a bit hard but i know you can do this that's why i chose you and i will be your professor for those months and if you succeed you are going to have the opportunity to have a publisher for your first book, not just anyone, but one of the best out there and who knows it can very much take you far into this career, a writer." He finished and i am grinning really wildly i will have cheek-ache tonight.

I mean OMG i'm so happy i can't describe it ugh omg omg it's the best thing that happened to me, i really want to jump around doing the happy dance but i can't at least not in front of the Professor.

By the time i was in my car i was jumping in my own seat, i must look nuts cause i'm grinning like a Cheshire cat.

I will find Damon, hug him like i've never hugged my own mother, and kiss him!

With that in mind i quickly drove home, got Damon's books and headed to the Salvatore's

I was at the front door, taking a deep breath i knocked the door, i suddenly felt really nervous, just because i'm going to hug and kiss Damon Salvatore the boy with Pacific ocean sized ego.

Well they said it right: easier said then done.

The door opened after the second knock

"Hi Clair come on in!" Stefan greeted me gesturing for me to enter
" Hi Stef" i greeted back walking in the familiar mansion
" Stefan who is it?" Elena's voice asked
"I'm sorry am I interrupting something?" I teased Stefan who chuckled at the comment

"No we were just reading a book" he said still smiling
"Talking about books, i just wanted to give back Damon's books and thank him" i handed them to him.

"Sorry but Damon is not here, but if you want you can wait for him" Stefan suggested and i felt my face fall at the announcement.

i didn't see or talk to Damon for a while now he just disappeared.

I soon flashed him a smile
"No i'm just going to the grill to chill a bit, today was a long day." I explained and he nodded, that's when Elena Came.

"Hey Girl, missed you a lot" she said hugging me and i soon hugged back
And why are you so happy?" She asked curiously .

I told both of them what happened and they congratulated me. After that i went to the grill, i stayed there till late at night.

I got out of the grill remembering i parked my car two streets away from here cause when i came earlier the parking lot was full to its limit so i begun walking toward the car, the cold breeze brushing against my skin, the streets unlike in NewYork are empty silent, and almost dark if not some lights here and there, that's creepy...?

Humming to a Taylor Swift song i decided to take a short cut, when i was going to turn into an alley i heard a scream, like someone is fighting for their life, when i turned the corner to the alley i came face to face with a scary scene and a weird Deja Vu feeling got to me...

It's back!! And better than before it's a long chapter longer than i'm usually doing for this story but yeah hope you liked it
Love y'all

A Michaelson Who Fell In Love With A Salvatore(At Hold)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora