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The day went by quick, and I was putting the last touches of makeup, when I finished I looked at my reflection in the mirror, my bloody red sleeveless dress, my black hair falling perfectly on my shoulders, the black mask suiting my blue eyes's form, red lipstick, mascara and eyeliner, matching Jewry and a black purse, I smiled, and headed downstairs.
The others were already in the party, I wanted to be perfect so I took my time, besides who wants to go on an extremely boring ride in a boring vehicle with boring people, absolutely not me.

I got my car's keys and out of the house. I unlocked my red Porsche and got in, started the engine, and got out of the neighbourhood fast.

I soon was in front of the house the party was held in. I got out of the car, unlocked it and found my way to the front door, it was a big house, not a modern one, but it looked like one of those mysterious houses of the past centuries, I loved this place, I smiled opening the door.

Suddenly all eyes were on me...okey, what is going on!?
I ignored all the eyes  and begin to walk toward the little bar. I took a seat and demanded something to drink, the music was classic and relaxing, when I'm alone I always danced to this kind of music, surprising I know.

I felt eyes on me so I turned to meet a glacial blue ayes just like mine, and a handsome mysterious looking guy with black hair, smiling at me, I soon turned my attention to the glass in my hand, but then I heard him clear his throat and I smirked, this night should be interesting.

"Hello!!"he said in a sexy smooth voice
"Hi"I turned to him
"What a lovely lady like you is doing without a company!?"he asked. Oh is he flirting with me, okey that's good,
"Drinking some liquid"I answered lifting the glass to show him.
He laughed a little, nice laugh I thought.
"Now if you excuse me"I said smiling at him, getting up from my chair, I want to discover this house.

~Mystery boy pov~

This party is boring.
And I was thinking I was going to have some fun over here, I'm an idiot for coming.

Stefan and Elena dragged me with them, then they left dancing and having fun letting me alone and extremely bored, fair enough haha.

There wasn't even someone cool to spend time with, not a lady, what a luck.

The door of the house opened, and another human came and will consume oxygen. I turned to the glass I was holding studying it.

But then there was a sudden silence in the room, weird.

I looked up and all eyes were on some chick- wait it's not just any chick she was super gorgeous, and she smells good too, I smirked, the party suddenly got interesting.

I let her take a seat and demand her drink, then I made my way to her, I sat by the seat beside her, and I just stared at her perfection, she was so beautiful, I couldn't even make a word to say, that is not me, I'm the one making people speechless not the other way around.

She must felt my eyes on her cause she turned to me, but she soon focused on the glass again, WHAT!! Did she just ignore me, ME probably the hottest guy in this very house. I cleared my throats to gain her attention. I saw her smirking, okey.

"Hello"I said in the best seductive and manly tone.
"Hi"she said, her tone seemed playful, well this girl is interesting.
"What a lovely lady like you is doing without a company!?" I asked, never breaking the eye contact, between my eyes and her crystal blue eyes that are shining from amusement.
"Drinking some liquid"she said simply lifting her glass to show me, jeez this girl is impossible, I can feel it, but that's what made me determined that I'm not done with heh just yet.
"Now if you excuse me"she said getting up, wait I just begun to have some fun, I wanted to say to her, but of course I couldn't.

She made her way to the stairs, I wasn't going to let her go just like that ya know, so I decided to follow her.
"Hey" Stefan said
"Not now stefan I need to go"I said not bothering to look at his face, I didn't want to lose her, the place was crowded.
"The conference is going to begin we need to go"he said, then noticed I wasn't paying any attention to whatever he's saying.

I was observing this mysterious girl, how she smiles to people, making them laugh, and laugh with them, now that I think I'm not sure I saw her here in mystic falls before, who is she?

That's what I needed to know tonight.
"Oh brother, let the girl in peace, and don't make her life a living hell" he said seriously and I couldn't help but smirk. I felt stefan dragging me with him.
"I guess it can wait"I said
And here is chapter 2 hope u enjoined it
What will happen To Clair and would that mysterious boy hurt her like Stefan predicted?
Comment what u think
Love y'all

A Michaelson Who Fell In Love With A Salvatore(At Hold)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat