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~Clair Pov~
This place is amazing, like wow, I love it so much, the conference would be over by now.
I felt someone behind me, I didn't turn, cause their shadow was there, it seems like a man.
"You know it's not cool to stalk someone for a whole fifteen minutes!"I said smirking, still wandering around the house, not bothering to look who it was, because I had a feeling about the identity of this person.

"I know!!" The handsome boy with the black mask and the crystal eyes of before said, what made me smirk even bigger, I'm always right. It's time to play a little.

"Well why are you doing it then?!"I asked making an aye contact.
"Let's just say I wanted to freak you out a little"he smirked to me.
"Oh well, let me tell you something, you need more than a stalk operation to freak me out, you are so far from your goal!"I smiled at him.
"I can see" he nodded breaking the eye contact.

We headed downstairs, making small talks. We walked to the bar and ordered something, we were still talking when *Bust You Windows* by *Jazmine Sullivan* got on speakers, I love this song, I always dance to it.
"May I have the honour to dance with you" the blue eyed boy asked suddenly, if I said yeas, he will think I fell for his charm, which is not true!!
"No I don't like this song"I wasn't going to say I don't know how to dance, nah-ah
"Your beautiful eyes says the opposite" he declared.
"How so?!" I asked.
"When the music begun, your eyes had a shining flash in them, I bet you really love this song, and maybe even you're so good at dancing it, but I'm not sure about the last part cause you refuse to dance" was he challenging me, HA!!
"I'll say yes not because of the last part, but the first"I winked at him, and grinned.

He took my hand and leaded me toward the dance floor, there was no one dancing, well they really don't have a good taste in music,or they are bad at dancing.

He put one hand on my small back, and the other was intertwined with mine, my free hand was on his shoulder, and we begun... And Boy was he good at dancing, I really had fun being his partner, when the music ended, our faces were inches away, his calm breath brushing my skin, we smiled at the same time. Then he was leaning in!! our lips just a millimetre apart, when we heard applause, our heads snapped apart and we looked around us, we smiled saying thank you and got out of the dance floor.

"Didn't thought you were that good!!" He smirked breaking the awkward silence.
"Surprised then!?"I asked smirking as well
"I must admit yeah!!" He nodded, and I laughed
"What so funny!?"he exclaimed.
"Oh nothing, just that girl over there who's glaring daggers at me" I pointed at some chick with my eyes. And he turned to her, then back to me.
"Oh well, she's just jealous" he said shrugging.
"Why would she be jealous!?" I asked confused.
"Well I'm the hottest guy in this party, besides I kinda know her and she has a crush on me"he explained,
and I burst into fits of laughter.
"What so funny!!" He said rolling  his eyes at me playfully.
"Same reason" I said between laughter.
"Oh so you agree that I'm the hottest in here!?" He smirked wiggling his eyebrows at me, I giggled, I can't believe myself for that, but I couldn't help it.
"Is my opinion that important?!"I asked
"Jeez, girl you ask a lot of questions!!" He said and I laughed a little.
"Well that's me!" I said simply and he smiled
"You have an accent, now that I noticed!!"he said out of the blue and I chuckled
"Yeah!!" I nodded.
We talked for a bit more, but then I remembered the after party my family was going to do. Oh shit!! If I will go late I'm done, okey I need to go, I looked at the big clock and it was 23:54 oh no I need to hurry
" I'm sorry but I gotta go, like right now, or else I'll be late for something important, well not really but It should be."I exclaimed, and his face fell for a moment, which was hard to believe.
"Okey I understand, I'll walk you outside, besides I need some fresh air." He smiled at me. And I nodded.

We walked outside. But then he took my wrist and pressed my back by the wall, pressing his chest to mine.
"You couldn't just let me go like that now could you!?"I smirked
"Yeah.."he said.
"I figured"I said. And then he pressed his lips to mine. He was a good kisser I'll give him that, and I had those things we call butterflies in my stomach. I kissed back, and I enjoyed it.

for some unknown reasons, kissing a mysterious handsome boy seemed enjoyable. He broke the kiss, and went for my neck, I had to bite my lip to stop myself from moaning cause he just hit my sensitive spot.

When he stopped I felt my face fell, but then remembered the after party oh shit why is my dad always the reason of my misery, party pooper.
"I gotta go, thanks for tonight you made it somehow more fun"I whispered in his ear.
"Thank you cause you saved me from a killing bordem"he said.

He put his hands on my mask to pull it of, but I put my hands on his to stop him, and he frowned
"Wouldn't it be more fun to let it a mystery , maybe someday we'd meet, and it would be cool to know each other then know that we did meet before and spent a good time"I said in a low voice smiling at him and he nodded, getting his body off of mine, and I felt emptiness, I glanced one last time at him and smiled then made my way to the parking lot and into my car.

It was a good night.
What do u think!?!?
Hope you liked it
I'm a little sick so yeah
Thanks for all
Love y'all

A Michaelson Who Fell In Love With A Salvatore(At Hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora