1.38 | Course

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The quinjet descended from the sky, smoothly landing on the new official Shield Academy's landing pad, which was the training center.

Josie watches from her seat, her eyes scanning the facility below. There were modern buildings and outdoor courses and so many soon to be agents scattered around.

And now, because the agency Coulson works for, under the direction of Nick Fury, has merged with Shield, the Salvatore Students now have access to this facility too.

"This is it," Coulson said, standing as the jet's ramp lowered, "The Shield Academy. New and improved."

The team filed out, their steps a bit hesitant as they took in their surroundings. Hope's eyes were sharply taking in every detail. Lizzie trailed beside her, arms crossed against her chest, her eyes subtly glancing in her father's direction ahead of them before she decided to focus on the scenery as well. Though she kept her expression unimpressed still.

"It looks like a bootcamp." Lizzie muttered loud enough for Hope to hear.

"Because that's what it is," Hope replied, watching as future agents were wandering around with purpose.

MG added, "A very high tech one too."

"This isn't just a training center," Coulson tells them all as they walk, "This is where raw potential becomes excellence. This is where our agents learn to master their skills, adapt to high-pressure situations, and use teamwork to make the world a safer place for everyone." He turns to face them, "You have all proven yourself in each of those areas already. But we'll still need to run you through our field course so our science team, Fitz-Simmons, can record your results without the use of your powers. And remember, most of the agents here don't know about supernaturals. We need to keep it that way for now, especially with everything that's been on the news about you recently," he aims his gaze at Hope briefly. "I'll give you a quick tour before we start."

Hope was beginning to take in every detail, scoping out the area and the people as she always does, when Josie suddenly whispered from her side, "Why exactly can't we use magic when we run the course?"

Hope replies, "They have to measure us on the same scale as everyone else. It would be a little suspicious if everyone else here completes the course in 15 minutes and we all only take 5. Plus, it's good to know how capable each of us are without our powers."

Josie nods, glancing around as Coulson points out several things along the way, while Lizzie butts in quietly, "How do they make sure none of us use our powers?"

"Magic muting bracelets," Hope answers, "Your father got some from my Aunt Rebekah before he left Mystic Falls." Hope glances in the direction of Alaric, and Josie notices Lizzie doing the same thing, before Hope and Lizzie share a knowing glance with each other, but Hope is more subtle about the exchange, turning to Josie to assure her, "You have nothing to worry about. It's just a part of the protocol they have to follow here."

Lizzie mumbles, "I'm starting to get a little tired of all the rules and protocol bullshit lately."

"Me too," Josie adds.

Hope only lets out a small sigh, "Let's just get through today. Then we can all go back to Mystic Falls and get back to tracking down supernaturals. The good news is, now that we're working with government agents, it'll be easier to protect new supernaturals."

Josie nods, "We'll be protecting them from the inside."

Hope grins successfully, "Exactly."

Josie realizes then that this was Hope's plan all along. It's the reason she agreed to some government oversight with the world security council. It's easier to keep your enemies closer, to keep an eye on them too, until they know that they can trust them.

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⏰ Last updated: a day ago ⏰

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