The dress

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The games are going to start in just few minutes. I am so excited. But my partner is definitely not. He doesn't have any expression in his face. How boring.

"Smile a bit naa what is it with you." I said poking his shoulder with my finger.

"Stop." He said. Obviously in his cold and rude voice again.

"Why didn't you wear traditional ?" I asked.
"I hate traditional." He replied.

"Why ?" I asked again.
"I just hate it." He said.

"Any reason ?" I asked one more question.

"I don't about that but I definitely hate you. And I have many reason for that, one of them is because of your nonsense questions and rants." He said sharply.

"Hawww, kitna rude aadmi hai ?" I said keeping my hands on my mouth.

( Huh such a rude man he is )

"Children, attention please." The principal of our school said.

Everyone turned their heads towards the stage and eagerly waited for the instructions.

"So, the first round will be ramp walk. You have to walk with your chosen partners. The one who does the walk properly and gracefully will win this round. The couples should have a proper chemistry between them and they should look good. The winner will be chosen according to teacher's vote." She informed.

"See her, she wore a saree and she thinks she is looking beautiful. She looks like some shitty girl who came out of nowhere." I heared my classmates talking. I turned back and saw them looking at me while laughing.

So, they were talking about me. I tried to calm myself down as it was making me uncomfortable.

"Her partner is Tushit so she thinks she will win the game. Has she ever looked at her face ? She is ruining his aura too." They laughed again.

"Stay calm, Nainika. It's okay let them say." I said to myself.

"He is wearing a suit and she comes wearing a saree. One is traditional other is western how funny. Don't they know that traditional should be with traditional ?" They laughed

Am I really looking so bad ? I wanted to win the award for Ms. Fresher. Maybe I really look like a shit. I shouldn't have wore this saree. Why did I do this ? I should have stayed at a corner. Why did I participate ?

I think I should wear something western. Yes. But I never wore that type of dresses in my life. It just feels uncomfortable. But if I don't then he will also lose the winning chances because of me.

I really wanted that award. I thought Maybe if I won I will get some friends from my class. No one is even talking to me there.

"Nainika." Someone called me.
"Yes." I replied in between my thoughts.

"Can you stop digging your nails to your wrist its bleeding."

"What ?" I asked as I was confused. I looked and saw Tushit talking to me.

"Your wrist, its bleeding. Stop digging your nails into it." He said.

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