#5 toolbox surrounded!

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Come out with your hands up! We've got the toolbox surrounded!

Hell minus the circles: instruction manual.
Aneurysms, daffodils, catacombs and oubliettes; a treatise on duality and metaphor.
For openers, Men, need to draw the lingering morbidities out of women, so they cam more greatly appreciate the positivities they search for when they find them, and women, need to be secure enough in themselves to accept that some men can nurture AS WELL AS murder.

Four kinds of women, one you're a headache, two, you're in love with yourself, three, you're perfectly reasonable, and four, you're a torture to be without.

As for societal norms, social mores and polite behaviors,  that will all shortly be dashed into the fire, perhaps, rekindled as, something else entirely, but regardless of wether its mused upon at length, chuckled at momentarily or, delved into and obsessed upon, one reeling in the various madnesses and debaucherries and, other such trappings and or instigative accouterments, and therein lacking having had such forethought, could even have glanced back, for even a moment of eye contact, in the throes of utter complacency, the statics and fricatives bewildering even the moist, (I mean most) stoic, of stayers, in layer upon layers, of human flesh, bound for all eternity, finally severed from soiltude, even for this one, brief, tickling of the senses, raised up by the ears and then pierced by the night, shuffled and rambled upon at leisure and indiffently as, though creation had dissipated before her very eyes, in the despair of that, rote moment of realization, echoing through her mind, as shards of that heart, broke away and fell, as the viscosities of blood came dripping out, pooling in every last magnetism for the heat of his flame, she died, eyes went cold, heart, a shattered touchstone once the single most important cornerstone, in any of their lives, because the height of my psychopathys the light of my verbosity in light of a neuropathy its quite a hero prophesy, intrigued by all the zeroes im ingrained on all you Neros but the brand of mes obscuring what I should with thee be doing, and so, here, is to the continuing dominion of Eros, and Phobos, what's that you say? Eros has already ruled a generation? The sixties you say? And NOW it's PHOBOS' turn to propagate and promulgate? And utterly RULE out dementia for any mentality but HIS?!! And surely the god of fear MUST be a MAN! But if it's not, and the real God of fears a woman! Jesus were all in for one HELL of a ride the lightning hellfire and damnation nightmare, because man, being the God of love that he was, he'd indeed invented heaven hadn't he? Or was THAT a woman also? So when do I get credit for writing this? And where's Dante? and Virgil? And exactly what circle of domination IS this?!!!!!
What's that? You say I sound like the antichrist? Ha! I am nowhere NEAR that level of revelry, even the devil himself is disheveled, (literarily) by comparison, no, you need to step away from that argument my darling earth creature, angelic in your form as they may say, I can only concur, as you burn, into my eyes, I am transfixed, and mesmerized, yet somehow, so utterly in control of myself, how is this happening I've, I've never felt anything like it before, stunningly smooth, like a burning lake with no wind, I tread water here, as I wade out into your essence, awaiting the leviathan, or cthulu, of your soul, to come capture me, even for a fraction of a shattered second, and, try as you might, I will never bring up Faust, and his antics, though indeed I was friends with him for a time, I think he went back down to Virgil, or one of those down there, I guess I'll play phobos for awhile, the god, OF FEAR!!!
This shall be a naughty caprice, won't the devils and angels and cherubs all join in.
Not the highest, nor the lowest, only the middle-grounders, and the moderates, need apply, you'll know yourselves, when you look in the mirror each day, by having known, just what the hell you were doing when you got ip that morning!
I thought I saw a fledgeling flicker of light bounding back and forth between your eyes as you lie there on the floor, bound and gagged, wrists displaying valiant hesitation to try and wriggle free but, also you could not untie yourself,  in quite enough time, for me to run haphazardly into the wall of your illusion, you say you want it darker eh?
Well this is the deepest purple I can think of, it taunts me toward utter blackness and even still, im mesmerized by those fascinating orbs, your effortless lash, protruding onto my face as I reach down to untie your hands, your eyes searching mine as they work their way slowly down to the strings binding you together, and, then, together, we burn!!!
See afterglow for details, some restrictions apply, not available in all areas, taxes and licensing subject to, nobody rides for free,
And yet, everyone LIES for me! So I have to thank you all, for all the different ways you've mangled one another, reputably, literally, literarily, figuratively, stoically, flammably and so on, my guises of fear can only hope, beyond hope, to confuse you all into utter submission, to all your wildest dreams, thank you I've, bean here all week, don't forget to tip your hand. I mean waitress.

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