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Faith often wondered if her parents regretted the name they had given her, afterall she was nothing like her name

She took people's hope and turned it into despair, she took away people's faith and turned it into emptiness

In many eyes she was a monster

''when you said you coudnt free us....did you speak the truth?''a blond woman asked softly as she entered faiths room, with a glance towards the strange woman faith awnsered

''I did not lie. I cannot free you from this house, even if i could i woudnt because i dont know you lady nor do i care''faith didnt care for the small sobs that escaped the woman as she grabbed her backpack and walked out the door

''Your cruel''the woman sobbed making faith glance over her shoulder and roll her eyes

''Don't i know it''she muttered as she walked out the door wich slammed shut without a twitch

''Fight! Fight! Fight!''students cheered as violet and Veronica fought, Veronica's twin bitches fighting with them to overtake violet who could only pray her sister didnt find her

But her prayers were not awnsered as faith shoved everyone aside and kicked Veronica against the head of off violet, with a screetch of pain the girl looked up to meet faiths cold angered eyes

Eyes that searched for death

''I have warned you becky''she chuckled out as she bend down and grabbed Veronica's hair before dragging her over the ground towards the staircase awaiting her

''No! No! Let me go! Im sorry!''veronica screetched digging her nails into faiths wrist which only made her smirk as she watched Veronica's two bitches grab her feet to pull her back

''Faith stop!''violet shouted as she pushed trough the crowd making faith pause for a moment and glance over her shoulder towards her loving twin sister

''oh Becky how lucky you are''faith chuckled out letting go of veronica's hair and grabbing her troath instead, lifting her into the air until only the girls toes touches the dirty ground beneath

''My sister want you to life, me on the other hand, i seriously hope this fall takes you, but im going to let your so called god decide''faith mused eyeing Veronica before stepping closer to the stairs wich Veronica prayed to not fall down on

But once more their prayers were not awnsered as faiths hand let go and Veronica's body tumbled down the stairs like a ragdoll until it stopped at the bottom completely still

Faith carelessly looked at the body students and teachers rushed towards as she spoke loudly making sure everyone heard as she turned around''anyone touches my sister and i wont be so merciful''

Ignoring people's looks and the teachers calls she walked away with one last glance towards violet who stared at her sister like she was a monster

''school called''Vivian spoke angrily as she entered the kitchen followed by ben making faith look up from her book''dropping someone off the stairs?, are you fucking insane faith Harmon''

''father knows the awnser to that''faith responded without a feeling as she looked back down to her book not caring for what was happening

''WE GAVE YOU A CHANCE, we loved you! We took care of you despite people telling us it was better if we didnt!''vivian shouted enraged as she paced trough the kitchen with ben leaning against the doorframe

''You loved me?''faith chuckled out amused as she looked up from her book and closed it without a second of hesitation as she looked at vivian''you abused me, you drugged me, you exspiremented on me, you fucking hate me and you know it, just like i know it, just like violet knows it. GOD even the neighbors know''faith responded coldly

''We have done everything for you faith''Ben stated desperation lingering in his voice as he ignored the fact he knew what she said was true

''you've done nothing but ruin me''she spat rolling her eyes before looking towards her mother''you hate that im not like violet, you hate that im not sweet and kind...oh god and dont let me get started about you''she mused looking towards her father

''Your grounded faith''ben spoke rubbing his temple making her chuckle and pick up her book as she got up

''Your a disapoinment faith''Vivian muttered as she watched faith walk up the stairs and out of sight, faith heard every word tho, she always did

Faiths eyes met violets as she walked past her twin sisters room''you went to far faith''violet mumbled closing her door leaving faith to bite her lip hating the sting in her chest that only her sister could cause

With a small sign she closed her door and slid down landing on the ground with a small thud she shut her eyes and ignored tate's curious ones digging into her''what happened?''

''Just go''she mumbled softly as her heart ached knowing that everyone always left, her parents had, her sister had, her bestfriends had and once even her lover had

''mh no not happening, what happened faith. Talk to me''Tate demanded bending down before her and grabbing her chin thightly

''Nothing happened''faith muttered opening her eyes to meet tate's beautiful forest brown ones

''faith harmon stop lying to me and speak''Tate demanded thightening his hold on her chin as anger settled in his dead eyes

''I almost gave in Tate, i almost killed a girl and now my sister hates me....im a monster''she whispered as a small tear fell down her cheek

''Your no monster darling, your magnificent''Tate whispered as he softly pressed his lips against the corner of hers''now get up''he mumbled as he pulled back and helped her up before laying her down in bed and cuddling up against her

''I love you faith Harmon'' Tate mumbled pressing a soft kiss against her forhead making her sign in content as she cuddled more into him, into the warmth his dead body somehow gave away

Faith coudnt bring herself to say it back afterall how could she when she never learned what love felt like, how could she when she had only ever felt hatred

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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