chapter 3 - Unsure...

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Louis: 'maybe you can help us? what is your friends name?' he said with a serious smile but his voice was so soft. 

Me: 'her name is Jamie' i said, sounding quite confident

Zayn: 'and your name is...' 

Me: 'Holly' i said now suddenly sounding incredibly shy

Zayn: 'well, Holly we have called the paramedic and he's on his way, would you like to stay until your friend wakes up and maybe longer?' he said so sounding reassuring

Me: 'well im not going to just leave my best friend here alone am i? i said sarcastically 

Liam: 'doubtful'

i giggled 'well then' i said playfully

The paramedic entered the room as i was rushed out the room with Zayn by Harry, we where put in the practising room, apparently it was to create some more space for the paramedic.

To avoid any awkwardness me and Zayn got talking: 

Zayn: 'so Holly, how long you been a fan of the band for?'

Me: 'erm, honestly, im not a that much of a fan, im only here because of Jamie...(short pause)... she went to see my favourite band last year, it was only right that i returned the favour really' 

Zayn 'oh, right, well have you had a good time so far' 

Me: 'well im not having a bad time, and i guess im happy that i came....' i said looking at the floor, trying to refrain myself from smiling, but it wasn't working that well to be honest. 

Zayn: 'aww that's cute, Really. but your defiantly not like our usual fan, i can say that for sure'

we both giggle. 

me: 'i don't think im that cute to be honest' 

Zayn: 'well i think so' 

i blushed and smiled whilst keeping my head down, as Niall walks in 

Niall: 'Jamie is awake and asking if you two can stay a while' 

Me and Zayn catch each others eyes as he quickly turns his head to Niall and i follow his actions

Me: 'yeah sure, why not, can't hurt anyone' 

Niall and Zayn both smiled, as Zayn walks over to Niall and whispers something, as i look to the floor as i catch Niall smiling at me in the corner of my eye. 

Niall: 'have fun' he winks at Zayn 

I look up as Zayn turns towards me and looks at me in shock... 

Zayn: 'your face, the scar' 

as i covered the right side of my face with my fringe like it was before 'sorry, its horrible to look at, i didn't realise, i didn't plan for anyone to ever see it' i said shyly

Zayn walks over to me, i take a deep breath in as Zayn moved the hair to behind my ear and places it to stroke my cheek and slightly lifts my face up so that im looking directly into his eyes, i closed my eyes he placed his lips on my right cheek and my eyes shot open. 


Zayn: 'how did it happen?' he asked taking a seat on a chair

Me: (sighs) 'i don't really like talking about it, sorry'

Zayn: that's ok, i understand' 

As i placed my hair back in place over the scar, 'thanks' i said with a slight smile

Zayn: 'want to go for a walk?' he asked politely

Me 'is that wise with you being famous and all..'

Zayn: 'nothing i really do is wise...' 

Me: 'i would rather not leave Jamie though' 

Zayn: she'll be fine, there is a lot of security at this place, please?' He seemed desperate for  me to say yes

Me: 'fine, lets go for a short walk then' 

Zayn I think I love you (full version)Where stories live. Discover now