chapter 7

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I stood in the middle of my room, taking a deep breath.

Just then, the door creaked open, and my mom walked in, pulling me into a warm embrace. "You need to go now; by the way, I'll take the car with me," she said, urgency lacing her voice as she pulled back to look me in the eyes.

My heart sank. "How am I supposed to get to university?" I blurted, panic rising like a tide in my chest.

Her gaze flicked to the clock, and she hesitated, weighing her words. "Don't you know Mattia is at the same university? You can go with him."


Shock washed over me. I blinked, a knot forming in my stomach. Of course I know he's there. I've always seen him.

My mom glanced at the clock again, impatience creeping into her tone. "There really isn't much time, Soph. I have to leave," she said, pulling me in for one last hug, kissing me goodbye before turning and walking out, leaving my clothes scattered on the bed.

As the door clicked shut, an eerie silence enveloped the house. The emptiness felt heavy, echoing in my heart. I moved to the window, peering into Mattia's darkened room. Is he sleeping? Or is he out?

Just then, my phone buzzed, snapping me out of my thoughts. It was Lucy, bubbling with excitement, waiting for my arrival. A smile crept onto my face. She's probably thrilled to have me here. Lucy had always longed for a daughter.

I quickly got ready, picking out an outfit that felt cute yet comfy. Slipping into my clothes, I grabbed my bag, double-checking I had everything I needed. As I stepped outside, I glanced back, ensuring I locked the door behind me.

The path to Lucy's house was straightforward; it was just across the street. I felt butterflies in my stomach as I approached. I knocked on the door, and it swung open almost immediately.

"Hey, Sofia!" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with joy. Without hesitation, she wrapped me in a warm hug. It felt so genuine and welcoming, like stepping into the home of an old friend instead of just someone I had recently met.

"I'm so happy you're here!" she said, pulling back slightly to meet my gaze, her smile still wide. It was as if she had been waiting for this moment, and that made me feel welcome in a way I hadn't anticipated.

As I stepped inside, the warmth of her home enveloped me. Lucy's enthusiasm was infectious; she led me into the cozy living room, the delicious aroma of freshly baked treats filling the air. She introduced me to her world effortlessly, sharing little stories about her life and making me feel like I belonged.

Lucy's friendly demeanor immediately eased my anxiety. In that moment, I realized I wasn't just a guest; I was someone she genuinely wanted around. Her kindness wrapped around me like a cozy blanket, and I couldn't help but smile back at her, grateful for her warmth and hospitality.

As we settled into the living room, Lucy began talking about university life, sharing her thoughts and experiences with a passion that made me feel at ease. "I really wish Mattia was as studious as you. He spends all his time partying at friends' houses and hanging out at bars instead of studying."

I wanted to kiss Lucy because she had unknowingly answered my unasked question about where Mattia was.

As we chatted, I started to feel a bit drowsy, the excitement of the day catching up to me. Lucy noticed and said, "Come with me; I'll show you to your room."

We climbed the stairs together, and she led me to the room next to Mattia's. The second floor had only two rooms and a bathroom; one was clearly Mattia's, and the other was going to be mine. I took a moment to soak in the space.

Unlike Lucy's room on the first floor, this one felt like a blank canvas. She opened the door and began to show me everything inside with genuine enthusiasm. I couldn't help but notice how beautiful and welcoming she was, her energy lighting up the space.

Once Lucy left to give me some privacy, I started unpacking my clothes into the empty closet. It was clear this room had been a guest room, and I felt a rush of gratitude for being welcomed into her home.

Here's the scene from Sofia's perspective, written in a Gen Z style similar to My Fault:


After changing my clothes into a white crop top and some loose black pants

After changing my clothes into a white crop top and some loose black pants

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I felt a surge of curiosity. I really wanted to sneak a peek into Mattia's room and see how it looked. Plus, I was dying to know how my room lined up with his window.

The thought consumed me, my curiosity practically buzzing in my veins. I jumped off the bed, tiptoed to my door, and quietly creaked it open. The hallway was dim, but I could barely contain my excitement as I made my way to Mattia's door.

I pushed it open and was met with a dark room. Flicking on the lights, I found the space surprisingly organized. Books and novels lined the shelves, and there were workout machines scattered about. I took a few steps in, scanning everything, letting the thrill wash over me.

Just as I was starting to enjoy the vibe, the door swung open behind me. I whipped around, my heart racing, and there he was-Mattia. He was wearing black pants and a black shirt, looking a bit disheveled and slightly dazed. His hair was a mess, and I could smell whiskey wafting off him.

 His hair was a mess, and I could smell whiskey wafting off him

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I froze, standing there like a deer caught in headlights. Words caught in my throat, but I managed to squeak out a soft "Hi" waving awkwardly without even a hint of a smile.

He didn't respond. Instead, he took a step forward, closing the distance between us.

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