chapter 9

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I stirred, the sheets tangled around my legs, my body heavy and sluggish. "Ughhh... fuck..." I groaned, barely able to pry my eyes open. The dull throb in my head felt like someone was drilling through my skull. Shifting positions was a monumental task, each movement requiring more effort than I could muster.

My arm flopped over the side of the bed, searching for something solid to anchor me, but all I found was empty air. Everything felt wrong. My mouth tasted like stale beer, and my body ached from head to toe, as if I'd been in a fight and lost.

"Goddammit," I muttered, forcing my eyes open wider. The room swam in and out of focus, everything hazy and unfocused. Sunlight streamed through the window, stabbing at my eyes like knives. I groaned again, squeezing them shut, wishing I could just slip back into the darkness of sleep.

But sleep wasn't coming. My head was pounding too hard, my stomach twisting in knots. "Shit... the fuck..." I mumbled, pressing my hand to my forehead, hoping the pressure would ease the pain. It felt like a storm brewing inside my skull, and I struggled to sift through the fog clouding my mind, desperate for some semblance of clarity.

Flashes of laughter and voices echoed in my head, fragments of the night before slipping just out of reach. Who had I been with? What had I done? The thought of it made my stomach churn even more, and I couldn't help but groan in frustration.

"Come on, think," I urged myself, but the memories remained stubbornly elusive, dancing just beyond my grasp.

My head throbbed painfully, each pulse a cruel reminder of the chaos from the night before. "Fuck..." I groaned, pressing my fingers against my temples, trying to sift through the haze clouding my mind. Faces flashed before me-laughing, drinking, shouting-but everything felt distant, like a movie I couldn't quite follow.

And then... Sophia.

Wait... fuck. The memory of her hit me hard, her wide eyes, flushed cheeks, those lips slightly parted as she looked at me. She had been right there, and the thought sent a rush of warmth through my chest.

"Goddammit..." I whispered, a small smile tugging at my lips. I kissed her. The memory lingered, sweet and intoxicating, igniting a flicker of happiness amidst the fog. It felt right, so damn right, something I had dreamed about for ages.

But just as quickly, the joy faded, leaving a bitter aftertaste. I sat up, raking a hand through my hair, the weight of reality pressing down on me. "Ohhh my god..." The night was a blur-too many drinks, too many lost moments. I had kissed her, but now it felt like a fleeting ghost.

"Shit..." Frustration surged through me. I craved to hold onto every detail-the way her lips felt against mine, the softness of her breath, the way her eyes sparkled in the dim light. But alcohol had stolen that from me, leaving me with fragments, mere shadows of what could have been.

Her feet, stepping back, the moment she turned away-it all rushed back. "Why the fuck didn't I stop her?" I whispered, regret wrapping around me like a heavy blanket. I had kissed her, yes, but the magic of it felt hollow now, overshadowed by the uncertainty of my own memories. What if it wasn't real? What if it was just another drunken mistake?

I pulled on my black pants and hoodie. As I stepped out of my room, the tantalizing aroma of something cooking in the kitchen pulled me in like a moth to a flame.

When I walked into the kitchen, my mom stood at the stove, stirring a pot with a focused expression. Without a second thought, I approached her, wrapping my arms around her waist in a tight embrace. "Hey, Mom," I mumbled, planting a kiss on the top of her head.

She turned to me, concern etched on her face. "I was worried about you last night. I waited for hours, and I wouldn't have known you were home if Sophia hadn't told me."

My heart dropped into my stomach. "Wait, what? Sophia told you?" The realization crashed over me like a wave, leaving me breathless. That meant she was here-Sophia was in my house.

Before I could spiral into my thoughts, my mom interrupted. "Can you take this food up to Sophia in the guest room?" She handed me a tray piled high with steaming dishes, the heat radiating against my palms.

"Why is she even here?" I blurted out, my brow furrowing. "Her mom isn't around?"

"Exactly," she replied, glancing back at her cooking. "She's scared to be home alone."

"Why doesn't she just come down and eat? Why do I have to play babysitter?" I asked, frustration creeping into my voice.

Mom lightly smacked my shoulder, a playful grin breaking through her concern. "Shhh... her feet hurt."

"Uhhh, okay," I said, trying to mask my annoyance. But underneath it all, a spark of anticipation ignited within me. The thought of seeing her again, even in this weird situation, sent my heart racing.

"Just be nice, okay?" Mom said, her tone a mix of humor and seriousness. I nodded, the weight of her words pressing on my chest as I grabbed the tray. As I climbed the stairs, the prospect of opening that door loomed before me, my pulse quickening with every step. What would I find on the other side?

I stood before the guest room door, my heart racing as I knocked once, then twice, then three times. No answer. "Uhhh, maybe she's just asleep?" I muttered to myself, and before I could second-guess my decision, I turned the handle and pushed the door open.

What I saw took my breath away. Sophia stood in front of the mirror, her hair cascading over her shoulders as she styled it. She wore a cropped top and white shorts that hugged her figure perfectly, and she was completely unaware of my presence as I stepped inside.

 She wore a cropped top and white shorts that hugged her figure perfectly, and she was completely unaware of my presence as I stepped inside

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I lingered in the doorway, watching her for a moment, hoping she would turn around. Just when I thought I might remain invisible forever, she glanced over, her eyes locking onto mine. A deep crimson flush crept across her cheeks, and I felt my heart skip a beat.

Her gaze dropped to the tray in my hands, and she moved toward me, reaching out slowly to take the food. "Thank you," she said softly, her eyes searching mine.

"It's okay," I stammered, caught off guard by the warmth in her voice. My mind raced with a thousand questions, but one bubbled to the surface. "What happened to your leg?"

She looked at me, then laughed. "A fuckin' jerk did this," she replied, her tone light but hinting at something deeper.

"Very nice jerk," I remarked, a smirk tugging at my lips. "Maybe it's punishment for something you did."

Her expression shifted, and she shot me a look. "Go out," she said, her playful demeanor fading.

I hesitated, regret pooling in my chest. "No, I don't want to leave," I said, my voice firm despite the knot tightening in my stomach.

"Are you insane? I don't want you here," she shot back, her eyes flashing with irritation.

I thought about what I really wanted to say-what I wanted to ask about Nick. "I need to ask you something. Can I come in?"

She hesitated, her expression unreadable, before finally stepping aside, allowing me to enter. I took a seat on the bed, the tension thick in the air as she stood before me.

"Why did you cheat on Nick?" I blurted out, the question hanging between us like an anchor, my heart racing as I braced myself for her response.

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