Billie story #6

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Comes up and rests elbow on a table, my head on my hand Billie pov, sixteen

"Sandra! Please understand, I was busy!" I pleaded.

"Doing what? Fucking another girl?"

"I would never! I was recording some songs with the boys!"

"Liar," she said as she slapped my face. "We're over."

"Ok, fine! I never loved you anyway!" Is what i wanted to yell, instead i yelled, "Leave me then, i don't fucking care if that's how you're gonna act!"

She looked at ne, pissed. "The fuck did you just say?" She asked as she got all up in my face, her boobs hitting my chest.

I shoved her off of me, "I said leave me! Get the fuck away from me!"

"I didn't mean it..." she tried to act all cute. Bleh.

"And I do! So, get the fuck out of my house before i take EVERYTHING i ever bought you!" I looked at her in pure disgust.

Girlfriends are not supposed to act the way she is. She crossed her arms, pushing her boobs higher, just to make me go gaga over them. Nah, I'm not gonna. She looked at me expectantly.

"So? Are you gonna apologize now?" She asked as she brought her boobs even higher.


She shoved her boobs in my face, which brought me to grab her, and chuck her outside of my damn house.

"TOLD YOU TO LEAVE, DAMNIT!" I screamed as I slammed the door closed.

A few minutes pass before Mike and Tré come up to my house, knocking on the door. Sandra right behind them. I open the door, and look behind Mike and Tré.

"Get. Her. Away." I demanded.

"Who?" Tré asked as Sandra immediately grabbed his neck, threatening to kill him with her knife.

"Say that you love me," she spoke, her voice shaky. "Or he gets it"

I scowled, feeling anger and sadness. Tré was the man I've always had a crush on, and no way in hell was I gonna tell her (of all people) to kill him. And no way in hell am I saying that I love her.

Mike spoke first, "Sandra, I think he's not gonna say he loves you, as it'd be the fattest lie he'd ever say."

"ooooh, burn," Tré winched as Sandra dug the knife deeper in his neck.

"Great fucking idea, murder in broad daylight," i roll my eyes.

"YOU FUCKING-" Sandra let go if Tré and charged towards me.

I looked at her as she lunged her knife at me. I grabbed it, and took it from her hand. The cops now formed around us, as Mike had called them.

They grabbed Sandra and took her to their car. I watch, feeling a pang of guilt, as Mike pats je on the back. Tré and Mike walk into my house, my mom coming downstairs.

She rubs her sleepy eyes before asking, "What's with all of the ruckus...?" He voice trails off as she notices Sandra in the police car, rolling away. "Finally got rid of her?"

I slightly chuckle as I grab a Sprite from the fridge. "Yes'm."

Soon, Fluffles, my cat, comes trotting over to me, rubbing their face all over my legs.

"Guess they own you now," Tré chuckles as he walks up the stairs to my room.

I squat down, and start giving Fluffles head scritches. See, the weird thing about them is, they're not a girl cat or a boy cat. That's how they were born, no penis, no birthing properties. Nothing. They were unique, so that's why I adopted them.

Mike kicked my butt as before making his way up to my room. I quickly stood up, and chased after him, Fluffles terrified.

I grabbed ahold of Mike, the memory filling my brain of the last time he did this.

"Dude, you need more underwear?" I asked Mike.

"Yeah, they're getting really tight." Mike chuckled as he crossed his arms a bit.

"Why did you ask me to join you, then?" I ask as I facepalm.

"I need your help..."

I stared at him, blankly. "Bro, what?"

That's when he kicked me in the ass and u chased him around HIS house.

Mike looked at me, expecting me to do something other than stand there and stare into the distance.

"Hello?" He waved his free arm in my face.

"Sorry," I apologized as I let go of him.

I wrapped my arms around myself as I walked to my bedroom, collapsing onto my bed. Tré looked at me, and walked over to me from my desk, sitting next to me. He grabbed my hand, pulling me up so we were eye to eye.

"You ok?" He finally asked after a few minutes of us staring at each other.

I slightly shook my head, before hugging him, shoving my face in his chest. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me closer as Mike walked in. Mike looked at us, a big grin on his face, as i heard him whimpering to try and not say awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

Tré looked up at him and smiled, offering him to sit next to us. Soon, I wrapped my legs around Tré's torso, making room for Mike. Tré and I were now in a very intimate position.

"Hold up," Mike chuckled as he sat down next to us. He raised an eyebrow at us. "I wasn't expecting this today."

"Bro shut up," i laugh as I get off of Tré.

Tré playfully pouts, as i sit in-between the two of them. I look at Tré and then to Mike. I shake my head at Mike while pointing at Tré with my thumb.

"This bitch," I whisper to Mike, Tré instantly taking offence.

"Hold up, I am not a bitch, thank you very much," Tré said while trying to keep a serious face. But, a smile was tugging at his lips. Before long, he was laughing.

I shook ny head as I patted Tré  on the back.....

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