Billie short story #1

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Warning! —-____— is fast travel in the story. This is a public service announcement, this is only a test.

I let everybody down. I let them all down. I can't do this again. I messed up Billie continuously thought to himself, his panic rising. He hit the side of his head as he continued to pace around the dressing room, Mike and Tré still on stage. He ran out after making one mistake, and now he's about to have a panic attack.

He continued to whack the side of his head, his other hand pulling on his fluffy pink hair that he put so much work into to be perfect for this concert.

He got his hair dyed pink for this concert, it was after all in his hometown, Oakland, California.

He grabbed the closest knife (a kitchen knife... don't ask me why there's one in the dressing room), and began slicing his wrists, every time, he did a lil welp. Soon, he had no reaction to the pain of the slicing, the blood gushing down his arm. He was obliterating it.

Mike walked in, and quickly grabbed some bandages at the sight of Billie's arm.

"Dude! Why would you ever do this?" He asked as he began wrapping Billie's arm with the bandages.

"Mi- Mm- Mi- i messed up on stage, i deserve to die!" Billie screamed and he dropped the knife, that hand now hitting the side of his head.

Once Mike was done he said, "Bill, you don't deserve to die... hey hey, listen to me," Mike grabbed Billie's hand. "You don't deserve pain, you made one mistake, we all do that."

Billie wasn't listening, or well he was, his brain just didn't process the words. He looked at Mike before Mike pulled him into a hug.

Mike pulled down his sleeves, so the bandages wouldn't show, and grabbed his hand.

Billie looked down at Mike's hand, not wanting it to grasp his hand. "No Mikey no-" Billie pushed Mike's hand off of his.

Mike smiled as he pushed Billie back onto the stage, a fan jumping on stage.

Billie looked at the fan, his heart rate slowing. Something about them comforted him, and he was drawn to them.

Mike grinned as Billie started walking towards the fan. The fan smiled, before asking if they could hug him. Billie eagerly nodded as the fan's arms wrapped around his body. A jolt of warm comfort flowed through him as he hugged back.

The fan, clearly happy that Billie was calmed down, shoved their face deeper into his shoulder. Billie hugged a bit tighter. The crowd was roaring now, at this hug, the camera man taking photos.

The fan then spoke, "My name is Lee."

The two 22 year olds continued to hug, off in their own world.

"I like that name," Billie said as he started twirling Lee's blue and pink hair between his fingers.

A muffled "thanks" could be heard from Lee.

Soon, the two broke away from the hug ....


The roaring of the crowd made Billie smile as he played, feeling the utmost of joy. He danced around, ran around, he was happy.

His nearly obtained boyfriend played too, as he had just joined the band as a back up guitarist.

His boyfriend ran up to him and whispered something to him, before going back to his spot.

Billie looked at him, as if he were crazy. "You serious?" He mouthed.

His boyfriend, Lee, nodded his head.

Billie looked back at the crowd, before back at Lee and the rest of the band.

The song had just ended, and now the sounds of Mike's bass and Tré's drums could only be heard, unless you listened closely.

Mike and Tré looked at Billie, awaiting for him to make the crowd go wild.

Billie started whimpering really quietly, Lee quickly noticing this ran over. Lee took off his and Billie's guitar, before setting them down on stage. He grabbed Billie's shoulders, staring into his eyes.

"Baby, you alright?" Lee whispered.

Billie slightly shook his head.

"What's wrong?" Lee asked, his voice hiring a bit, concerned.

Billie didn't respond, as he couldn't speak. Lee looked at him, concerned and confused.

"Sign for me, tell me what's wrong by signing." Lee ordered softly.

"Babe, I can't speak," Billue signed, tears trickling down his face.

Lee's eyes widened before hugging Billie. "Ok, don't worry, I'm here for a reason."

Lee led Billue to the back of the stage, and ordered him to sit down.

Lee moved some of Billie's pink fluffy hair out of the way of his face, and said, "im a backup guitarist and singer for a reason. Don't fret, and just enjoy the show, ok baby?"

Billie's hand moved up to Lee's face, before kissing his lips.

Lee embraced the kiss, before Billie pulled away, giving him a smile of "go-ahead-and-continue-the-show."

Lee nodded his head as he made his way to the front of the stage.

"Hello! My apologies for the inconvenience, but it seems Billie has lost his voice!" Lee announced. "Don't worry, i'll continue the show, as we've got twenty minutes left"

The crowd nodded their heads in understanding.

"Next up we've got...."

The show continued...

guys I feel this got confusing at the middle or so part lol

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