Chapter thirteen

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Heartbeat - Part 13

Adelaide's POV:

Tears were streaming down my face, these were the most beautiful words I've ever heard and now he wants to marry me...I was so happy.

Adelaide: * smile's widely * yes...yes Justin I wanna marry you

Justin's POV:

I was so relieved when she said that, I took the ring and slid it on her finger. I hugged her tightly and kissed her, everyone applauded and said congratulations...god I was so happy.

Adelaide's POV:

Justin made this birthday special and I have to say it was the best birthday in my whole entire life.

Few weeks later

( this is what they're wearing for the wedding )

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( this is what they're wearing for the wedding )

Priest: we are gathered here today to join these two in holy matrimony * turns to Justin *
Justin: today I choose you, Adelaide Grace Quinn, to be my life partner, i promise to sleep by your side to be the joy of your heart, the food of your soul and the best person I can be for you, I promise to laugh with you when times are good and to suffer with you when they are bad; I promise to wash away your tears with my kisses and to hold you sweetly and gladly until our days on earth are over
Priest: Adelaide
Adelaide: * tries to hold back tears * today I choose you, Justin Drew Bieber, to be my life partner, I promise to sleep by your side, to be the joy of your heart, the food of your soul and the best person I can be for you, I promise to laugh with you when times are good and to suffer with you when they are bad; I promise to wash away your tears with my kisses and to hold you sweetly and gladly until our days on earth are over
Justin: * squeezes her hands *
Priest: Justin Drew Bieber do you take Adelaide Grace Quinn to be your lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, for sickness and in health, til death do you part
Justin: yes I do
Adelaide: * smile's *
Priest: Adelaide Grace Quinn do you take Justin Drew Bieber to be your lawful wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, for sickness and in health, til death do you part
Adelaide: yes I do
Justin: * smile's *
Priest: the rings please

We exchanged our wedding rings

Priest: since Justin Drew Bieber and Adelaide Grace Quinn have pledged their love and commitment for each other before these witnesses, I declare that they are husband and may kiss now
Justin: * smile's and kisses her *
Adelaide: * kisses back *

Wow it felt amazing to be married with Justin, he seemed so happy like he had never been before.

Three months later

We were at our new house on the weekend. We were so happily. I woke up, Justin's arms were around me. I looked over at him and smiled but then all of the sudden, my stomach didn't feel right. I got up and ran to the bathroom as fast as I could, emptying the contents of my stomach. Soon after, I felt soft hands pull the hair out of my face and rub my back as I threw up more. Once I was done, I flushed the toilet and sat on it Justin looked at me, concern in eyes especially when we don't know when my time was up for me to go. He leaned over towards me and I laid my head on his shoulder as he gently rubbed my back.

Justin: are you okay, baby
Adelaide: * nods * yeah I'm fine, I'm sure it's nothing
Justin: you wanna stay in for today in case if you know...
Adelaide: * shakes her head * no uh I'm sure I'll feel better...can you go get my bag please
Justin: * grabs the bag from the sink counter and gives it to her *
Adelaide: * about to grab something and then see's tampons *

can you go get my bag please Justin: * grabs the bag from the sink counter and gives it to her *Adelaide: * about to grab something and then see's tampons *

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I realized something, a possible explanation, but didn't want to get Justin's hopes up if I was wrong especially since we don't know when I'm gonna die.

Adelaide: * gasps softly and stands up *
Justin: what is it
Adelaide: how many days has it been since the last time we did it
Justin: 14 why
Adelaide: d-did you forget to put on a condom last time
Justin: * confused * what
Adelaide: * puts her hand on her forehead *
Justin: you wanna tell me what's going on
Adelaide: * looks at him * I-I'm late period is late
Justin: * eyes widened * does that mean you're...
Adelaide: I don't know but oh my god what are going to do Justin, I mean what if it could be—
Justin: * puts his hand on her cheek * hey it's gonna be okay, we'll go to the pharmacy and get a pregnancy test then come back here and take it
Adelaide: * exhales and nods *
Justin: * kisses her forehead *

Few minutes later

Justin's POV:

We just got home from the pharmacy to get the pregnancy test, Adelaide just took the test and now we're waiting for 10 minutes to get the results. I'm so nervous right now cause she's dying and I don't know what we're going to do if she's actually pregnant but no matter what happens I'm gonna be there for her til death do us part.

Adelaide: * sitting on the toilet * it's almost time... are you ready for the results
Justin: yeah I got the timer on my phone
Adelaide: * takes a deep breath * okay
Justin: in 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1
Adelaide: * flips over the test and gasps loudly *
Justin: * walks over to her and kneels down to her level * what does it say
Adelaide: * shows him the test *

Justin: * looks at her and shakes his head * no fucking wayAdelaide: * nods and smile's *  I'm pregnant Justin: * chuckles * oh my god, we're gonna have a babyAdelaide: * starts crying of joy * we're gonna have a babyJustin: * picks her up and spi...

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Justin: * looks at her and shakes his head * no fucking way
Adelaide: * nods and smile's * I'm pregnant
Justin: * chuckles * oh my god, we're gonna have a baby
Adelaide: * starts crying of joy * we're gonna have a baby
Justin: * picks her up and spins her around *
Adelaide: * laughs and sniffs *
Justin: * whispers * I love you so much
Adelaide: * whispers back * I love you too
Justin: * kisses her passionately *
Adelaide: * kisses back with equal passion *

That was chapter thirteen of Heartbeat
I hope you enjoyed it
See you in the next chapter

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