!Chapter 10!

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'First form, Water Surface Slash!' They think, decapitating the demon at the same time, the demon's eyes widening at realization.


Third person POV:

'That sound...I've heard....That sound before. A sound like raging wind.' The demon thinks. Reminiscing about how familiar it all sounded. He looked one direction, the girl was there. He looked the other direction, the boy was there. He was cornered. 


A demon, with the figure of a human, feasts on an arm of a human he has captured, his mouth and hands stained with fresh blood. He feels as if someone is watching, so he looks around.

He eyes soon land on a man, wearing cloud-patterned clothes dashing forward, his sword in his hand. 

The demon then widens his eyes, and cowers, his hands over his head in fear. He looks back up to see the man preparing his sword to kill him, or more likely, capture him.

~Flashback end~

"Urokodaki!!!" The hand demon screams, as it is already too late to save himself from the two goin at him.

Just like from his memory, Tanjiro and Y/n do the exact same moves that Urokodaki had done. At the same time, their blades slide through the demon's neck, even if it was so thick.

Just as Tanjiro and Y/n land on the ground, the demon's head lands not far away form the body, starting to disentegrate.

'Curse you! Curse you! Die! My body is crumbling away! I can't stop it!' The demon thinks, watching as its own body turns into ashes, floating high into the night sky before disappearing completely.

'And now, they too will look upon me as something unclean. They will look at me with despising eyes. No! I'm too scared to close my eyes, but...I can't change where my head is pointing!' The demon thinks, as he stares at Y/n's and Tanjiro's backs, watching as they put away their blades, their clothes dirtied with dirt and dust from the battle. They slowly turn their head towards the demon.

'The last thing I will see is a demon hunter's face...' The demon thinks, as Tanjiro's and Y/n's eyes finally look at the demon's head, filled with pity instead of disgust. 

~Somewhere inside the demon's head~

"How did this happen?" A small child asks himself, wondering why he's even here. He then crouches down, his still blood-stained hands wiping the tears strolling down his cheeks.

"I'm scared. I'm alone in the night. Hold my hand the way you used too. Why did I bite my brother and kill him? Huh? Who is my big brother?" The child asks, lifting his head up and thinking to himself, did he ever have a brother? Who was he talking about?

~Back in the forest~

The demon's hand is stretching out, as if begging for someone to hold it tight and not let go. The body continues to crumble, but the one hand is still standing.

Tanjiro and Y/n walk up to it, soft eyes and pity within their hearts. The demon's head watches, as the two children walk up to his disappearing body. 

'I sense...sadness...' Y/n thinks, lifting up her hand to hold the demon's huge and grotesque one. Tanjiro does the same action, eventually, the two children's hands end up holding the demon's hand and putting it to their foreheads, praying for the creature even.

As the last of the demon's head starts to crumble, the last few drops of tears fall to the ground. "Please, God...When he is reborn...Don't let him become a demon." Tanjiro says, his words saying nothing but genuine pity and kindness.

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