July 3rd (Date 5)

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This date was spontaneous (to an extent). So, we had nothing planned from the last date to the 4th gathering. On Monday I found out that Medford was hosting a fireworks show (as they apparently do every year) and was wracking my head around on how to ask. Not only because it would be super late, but because it was so close to our next date. I was more stressed on finding a suitable place to see the fireworks (it panned out fine). If she ever reads this, she'll slap me in the face, but I told a white lie to my family. I was expecting rejection (didn't ask till the Tuesday before), but in truth didn't want to show that I was falling for her. So, I said I would get brownie points by asking and ice cream points if I showed her a good time. To my excitement she said yes and that she hadn't really been to any firework shows for the fourth. 

It was my first time seeing the ones in lil' ol' Medford, and my excitement was ramping up. We met up around 8:00 pm, but I got there 40 minutes early, so I decided to make a pit stop at the picnic area. It was serene and peaceful with the summer breeze, perfect lighting, and a deer that decided to join my company. It sucks that it also gave me more time to think about the meeting spot and realizing that it would have been shorter for her to meet me at the actual fireworks spot. Nonetheless, she arrived fashionably late (not that late), and we made our way to the spot. There was a good amount of people but no where near the numeral I was expecting. On the way down there was more silence than usual. However, I don't speak too much when I drive to begin with. We forgot her chair, I even told myself to remind her right before she got there. I guess she takes my breath away to the point I lose some brain cells in her presence. No matter, I brought the quilt that avoided discomfort. 

We talked for about an hour before the show started. It was good conversation with just enough awkward silence to wish it would start already. During the pre-talking I obtained her address. Before the main fireworks started, booms were starting to ring nearby. I was losing my mind thinking of how embarrassing it would be if we couldn't see them. What a wasted rise in heart rate since we were able to see the show in its full glory. I debated whether to hold her hand or not. I did not. She provided awesome glowsticks that represented our favorite colors (her black and me orange). Funny enough, three trains went through during our one and a half hours there. The most I've ever seen in Medford through one sitting. 

We reached the trailhead parking before 11 pm and there was only one other vehicle. In that moonlit parking lot, with deer sleeping peacefully on the side, my heart to palpitated in a way I didn't think was humanly possible. Her eyes glistened in the moonlight like a scene in an anime; the one right before the main characters kiss. I didn't have the guts to and stuck with an embrace instead. Felt good. I would later find out there was talks amongst her family when our first kiss would be. She thought I might make the moves during this date. She also wondered if I would grab her hand. We both wanted to hold hands, but I was too conscientious to do it. Just go for it! Out next date was already planned weeks prior.

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