June 1st (Date 1)

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Met Alyssa at Barnes & Noble at 11:00 a.m. First impressions: She was about 10 minutes late, but I was just praying I wasn't going to be a part of one of those stood up stories. When she parked, I knew it was her. She was the same way as I'm sure we glanced over (eye contact) and then exited the vehicles. She had blonde hair that was slightly longer than her pictures, pale skin unaffected by the pre-summer sun, and turquoise eyes. She was as attractive as her pictures aside from the 20 plus pounds that were hard to unsee. Not fat, but heavier than what appeared in her well choreographed profile images. I wasn't sure how to approach. I'm not much of a physical type of person (that tune has definitely changed) but I still wouldn't have initiated a hug or got one if she hadn't. Of course, I got her name wrong. I should have confirmed it. My parents told me to confirm, but I couldn't look like an idiot. How much that mindset helped.

On the way there I was sweating like a dog. It was hot today as well, so my blue American Eagle shirt was struggling even though I put it on when I got there. Still had to be stuck to my skin in a hot car for ten extra minutes. We walk in and I am a nervous wreck (still), and I don't really say too much as we walk to the barista (is that what the Starbucks employee is called?) and there was a pause when figuring out who was paying. I honestly hesitated at first, but I didn't want to come across as a cheap stake. But knowing Alyssa now, I doubt that would have been an issue. However, once we got our spot to sit, there wasn't a hint of awkward silence. I hadn't yapped that long in, well, forever. The more we talked, the more I realized we just click. The pressing reality was though, that my nerves accelerated my peeing process. So, when I finally called for a bathroom break, I was walking way more bowlegged than I would have liked (I wonder if she noticed?).

After that we mainly walked around Barnes & Noble while sharing what we liked and disliked, hitting the books, board games, and every other miscellaneous thing the store had. After that we gathered around a table in the middle that held something (I believe bored games) and stood there for the remaining time. We skipped lunch. How could we stop such great conversation? Honestly, I didn't realize how much time had passed, which was another great sign. She had a Lebanon festival to head to and we headed out as such a little after 4:00 p.m. I wonder if we would have talked longer if her alarm didn't go off? I will say that I walked a little (maybe more) too fast. I did hold the door in and out, though no hug on the way out. I didn't text till I got home, saying how I had such a great time (truthful) and shot my shot with a text asking when the next date would be (was feeling confident). She agreed and got the next date planned: Wazena Park.

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