June 22nd (Date 3)

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This was the Sharp Tip date. One I was really looking forward to. Not to mention, I was beginning to question where these dates would lead us. I mean, by three dates, one should be almost decided on how they feel about the person enough to have an idea on how to progress. The meet up time was 9:00 am. She was 15 to 20 minutes late. This was her latest arrival time, but she wasn't familiar with the drive nor were the directions giving her any favors. I was more worried that I gave her the wrong address or that she broke down. As I didn't have a lick of service, I could only await with great anticipation. We greeted, can't remember if there was a hug or not. She apologized for being late. Though, I kind of liked how she said it never happened; that she was never late. I thought, well, I am glad I can have that effect on you. 

The first couple hundred feet, it took a little to get that continuous flow going. However, once it did, I devoured every second of it. We talked a lot more about personal and family related things. Past relationship experiences, expectations, online dating experiences, and such. All very good talks. One that got me hot and bothered was when she said she hadn't made it past a third date (there were quite a few guys mentioned, when she has been my only date out of the five months I've had these damned dating apps). I was determined more than ever to make it to the fourth. I mean, when she invited me to her 4th of July gathering (when we arrived at the peak she proposed the idea), I shouldn't have been that worried about being the next "just third date Tommy." At the top there were a ton of freakin' gnats and quite a few people, so we didn't stay up there as long as I planned. Kudos to Alyssa, with what I know now about her knee problems, I would not have known since she hiked it with confidence. We drove down the mountain and headed to town in order to eat at this Mexican restaurant. 

From the mountain to food was quite a bit of silence. Nonetheless, I am so comfortable with her now that I can't help but appreciate when there is a bout of silence (slow down, it's only been three dates). It shows progression. Back to the past, the restaurant was about what I expected. The food was decent and priced okay. Again, we had a lot of deeper conversations, like what we are looking in for a family (kids, location, jobs, etc.). I did find it funny how it was our first major time sitting face to face with messy food. Couldn't help but find the shy eating signals endearing. Another awkward moment when discussing how it would be paid. I was going to pay and see if she would cover the tip, but she didn't bring any cash. It was worth it though. This was also when I learned she backs up when she parks. 

From the restaurant I took her to Standing Creek Park. I kind of had a plan to what we would explore, but it turned out a lot different than I pictured. We walked to the edge of the bike trail. It was mediocre as it was hot and midday, so the countryside didn't pop like it did when Zackery (little bro) and I went. After that we headed for the pond. It wasn't as long as a walk as I pictured, a negative and a positive. I wanted to spend as much time as I could with her. Taking her around was just an excuse to talk with her more. The pond was nice but was infected with a film of algae. Not the prettiest thing to look at when on a date. Once we made our way from that area, I took her back downtown to Democracy Lake Park. The more I think on this event, I feel like I am missing key pieces. But maybe this date ended around flourish too. I believe that was my main goal. At Liberty Lake the sun was sweltering. There weren't many people there, so we had the pond to ourselves. There were ducks and geese. The ducks wanted food. I wish I applied more sunscreen because we got cooked again. I recollect this as our last location before I made the trek back to Sharp Tip. I did put the car in drive without turning it on when trying to leave. She might be late, but my motor skills became garbage when she road with me. I believe we hugged goodbye. 

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